Wednesday, February 5, 2014

There will be a delay.

Sorry to have to do this but I am in the process of moving. There won't be much of the way of posts until I am settled in.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.

Rabbit Rabbit. Lets get some luck for the beginning of February.

One of my favorite teams to use from my Heroclix figures is Longshot and Dazzler. Dazzler gives her and Longshot a bonus to attack values while they are adjacent while Longshot has the amazing power to always deal a critical hit. Added to that is perplex from Dazzler on her second click and Probability control on Longshot's first two clicks. Both are capable of running shot and Dazzler can even subvert the use of stealth so that Longshot can get some excellent damage in. So after using them in about 15 different games of Heroclix I decided to get more of an idea what the two characters were all about in the Marvel universe.

Well Lucky me there was a Longshot comic that came out right about the same time as the Heroclix set the pieces came out in. Boy did I have somethings to learn about Longshot. Dazzler I knew from X-Men so I didn't feel so lost there. First thing I had to learn though was that Longshot was not a mutant. So off the the learning factory I went with Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.

And they are out of order with one missing. My photogenuis at work. 

Now I these comics didn't come with digital editions so please pardon the poor photography on my part.
This was an excellent read. I bought the first comic a few weeks before I bought the rest to see if I would like it. I loved it from just a few pages in. Lots of humor.

So the story starts off with Longshot getting a free haircut which serves as both a story element and an explanation for a change in character design. Excellent update if you ask me. Longshot explains his powers to us a bit, he explains that he is a genitally engineered  clone of his son and had a magic spell put on him giving him luck. If he pushes his luck to far things go wrong. Well after getting a free haircut he tries to do his eye glowing thingy that he does when he uses his luck power to get some free hot dogs. Well this blows a whole in a ladies apartment and basically destroys the universe from the resulting chaos.

Now Longshot is back to right after the haircut after meeting a god of luck after his head. So now he has to figure out what that fancy cube he was playing with was and how to make the universe right again. thankfully the resident magic expert steps in to help him out. With him he brings a lovely cast of characters to help out. Did I forget to mention that they are now on the Shield Hellicarrier? Well they are. And soon the Demon Lord of Balance catches them. Except it is just the order side. See when Longshot touched that powerful cube he done split it apart. So the demon of balance is now split into order and chaos. Now its up to Longshot and Deadpool and Dr. Strange to save the world. Oh wait, nope. They all work for the order guy now. Except Longshot. He is now hanging out with chaos as they crash the Hellicarrier.

That isn't even the good part yet. Now chaos, saddened that the Hellicarrier didn't kill anybody because
Longshot lucked his way out of that, summons a few threats from other dimensions and parts of time. This is just great. There is a lovely but powerful version of Magneto summoned to the plan and Carnage is possessing the Silver Surfer While Venom is on the Punisher. Vampire lord Wolverine also goes to fight alongside with Werewolf Captain America. Captain America from this timeline shows up out of nowhere to send his former Lycanthrope self back to the past fully aware that he was supposed to show up and do this. I liked this bit. It makes fun of how the Avengers don't even bat much of an eye at time travel anymore and eagerly await their chance to be a part of it.

In the end the two halves are put back together and the Balance Demon guy realizes that it wasn't Longshot he was after but the crazy cube that he split into two. I left out some bits on the story but that is for you to read yourself. Because I would rate this as a must read. The Trade Paper Back should be out some time this summer or something like that. Or pick it up from your local comic book store. There will be less glare on your copy. Go read it now. Or when you have the money. Or whatever. Or don't. I'm not your mom. But, if you do have a mom that forces you to read comic books. That is kind of cool. And if she is single you let me know. I'd make a great dad.

This ad though. It is a KOHL'S ad for some type of Spider-Man Jacket that they supposedly carry. Where is the gloves man? Do they not sell matching gloves? I'd buy those sooner than I would the whole jacket. And jeans? Are you trying to sell us your dorky jacket by proving that we would only look extra dorky in it? I bet they put a professional model in that damn jacket too. Some guy who got into the job on his looks. And they cover him up and some guy is sitting in the back of the office wondering why they couldn't have gotten anybody with two arms and both their hands to put on the outfit. Shit they were probably mostly wearing jeans that day to the office anyways. Well... I guess wearing jeans to the KOHL'S office probably doesn't happen that much. Why not put Spider-Man in khakis.

I would like to thank Marvel for not putting the AR symbol on the front of the comic. It had the same kind of ad that was in the Thunderbolts issues but didn't put AR on the front so that I would go searching every page looking for it.

Well that is all I have to say for Longshot. Check back later in the afternoon for a report on how/what I did at the Heroclix even.

300 points Modern Force construction. Playing for a Giant Man.