Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blessed are the Damned.

In case you didn't know this about me, I like the character John Constantine. Granted I didn't fall into this until a few years after the Keanu Reaves movie came out. Ever since I picked it up though I have come to like hte character more and more. I even emulated him in my pathfinder games that I ran as a major character. Although I couldn't really do a good Newcastle accent. Nord and Australian though I have to a recognizable tee. So I come to you this evening to talk about the NBC show Constantine


I, like many, watched the pilot episode for Constantine months ago. And I got worried. I wasn't the biggest fan of what I saw. I liked Matt Ryan's portrayal of Constantine and accepted that he was still finding his place in the role. The woman in the story though. Major meh. Thankfully they listened to the fans. She was quickly replaced and they didn't even explain it really. Now Constantine is being followed around by a much better story character in the newly awakened psychic. I'm current with the show as of the writing of this blog.  Thankfully Hulu gets the show next day.

I had a few gripes with the show at first. I felt a lot like it needed a higher rating and that the show was being held back by John having to be kept from smoking and cursing. The character is no idol. He is imperfect. He has vices and works to conquer them finding himself more capable of dealing with other peoples problems than his own. He is easy to relate to. a few episodes in and the show is really starting to pick up. If you stopped watching I suggest picking it back up if you are a fan of this type of story. Episode 5 with papa midnight, Constantine casually lights a fire with a cigarette that we never saw him light or smoke. This lead me to believe he was filmed smoking and it was just cut out. So I was starting to have some faith that maybe there was more filmed than what aired. Maybe Constantine did smoke in the show and cursed occasionally. Maybe their play was to release the unrated dvd collection afterwards and rake in the secondary money.

Then end of episode 6 he lights a cigarette. Nobody talks about it. All next episode nobody talks
about how he suddenly started smoking. A few curse words were thrown in while we were at it I noticed. He went from clean mouthed to ass. Not arse. Ass. Which was a little weird but I let it pass. Maybe I don't understand English accent differences as much as I thought I did. Having never been to England and All. New England doesn't count. It is just cold and full of Steelers fans.  So here he is now smoking and cursing. The occult is getting more and more up to par with what I expect out of it. You can follow what they are doing with their occult stuff and it doesn't feel overly christian like the 2005 movie did.

So now here we are. I feel caught up on Constantine the show and I'm watching the latest epp legally the day after it aired. I'm loving this future where producers realize what people want out of them and give it to them. I liked this episode a bit more than the rest. We didn't durdle around as long in filler scenes. The basic premise of this episode was that a holy man with sin on his soul tore a feather from an angel on his way to the afterlife and found himself back to life now as a healer of the people as an angel lays dying in the woods. John is found smoking and cursing to a small degree throughout the show.  Most importantly he is the typical master of the dark arts that we expect from him. Skeptical of everything he sees and sure that he is always right.

As usual he is proven to be wrong a few times in this episode. The twists are only predictable once they have set us up the clues they intended us to see. We still don't know who exactly Zed is. Her mysterious past is a welcome plot line for me. They like to tease little things here and there from throughout the DC universe and the Hellblazer/Constantine story-line. I'm excited to see more of how this story goes.

Of course there were rumors that Constantine may be on its way out the door at NBC. We have the rest of the season to go for us yet to tell. So if you have a neilson box go ahead and give Constantine a watch on Friday nights please. Also hit it up on hulu and any other valid online streaming method you have so that they know you are watching and that people like the show. #SaveConstantine

Thanks everybody for bearing with me and my poor writing skills. I started blogging because I like to express myself. I keep blogging to try and improve my writing and organization skills. If you have any comments or concern please feel free to comment below or email me at jesuisunbear@gmail.com (soon to change see about me for updated info)

suggested listening today is

Saturday, December 6, 2014

And Then I Posted nothing again.

I moved. It took a while and I had some troubles and some trials. This has actually been one of the best living situations I have had in a while though. Roommate stays to herself and I stay to myself. It works out here. What didn't work out was the Internet. We both had bad records with Time Warner and were trying to find a way around it. Eventually we just caved and took care of our problems and now we have the Internet. Also I finally have a computer back, which I have had for a few months without internet.

So here I am. Settled in. I said I would keep posting again once I was settled in and here I am 8 months later finally doing that. The problem is, however, that I haven't read shit. Last time I bought comics was halfway through the 'Death of Wolverine'. I still have to finish that even. I have some backlog to go through just to catch up in the series I want to read the most. Also now that I actually pay rent my comic book budget is quite lower. Also the store nearest me close and i don't live near the good comic book store anymore.

So basically not a lot of things going in my favor. Life wise though I am fine. I have been riding the bike and playing Pokemon. But, this isn't a life blog. Check the sidebar, or whatever current place links are with the format you are reading in, for Adventures of Nothing in Particular. Lets get back to comics.

That is about all that I have to contribute for now. :/ I'm catching up on Constantine, Arrow, and Flash. Not rushing to catch up on SHIELD. Maybe I can talk about those for a bit but mostly I'm just going to talk about Constantine. That is more than I needed to tell you for now. Thanks for reading. I guess I really did want to go back to blogging.

See you later space cowgirls.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

There will be a delay.

Sorry to have to do this but I am in the process of moving. There won't be much of the way of posts until I am settled in.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.

Rabbit Rabbit. Lets get some luck for the beginning of February.

One of my favorite teams to use from my Heroclix figures is Longshot and Dazzler. Dazzler gives her and Longshot a bonus to attack values while they are adjacent while Longshot has the amazing power to always deal a critical hit. Added to that is perplex from Dazzler on her second click and Probability control on Longshot's first two clicks. Both are capable of running shot and Dazzler can even subvert the use of stealth so that Longshot can get some excellent damage in. So after using them in about 15 different games of Heroclix I decided to get more of an idea what the two characters were all about in the Marvel universe.

Well Lucky me there was a Longshot comic that came out right about the same time as the Heroclix set the pieces came out in. Boy did I have somethings to learn about Longshot. Dazzler I knew from X-Men so I didn't feel so lost there. First thing I had to learn though was that Longshot was not a mutant. So off the the learning factory I went with Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.

And they are out of order with one missing. My photogenuis at work. 

Now I these comics didn't come with digital editions so please pardon the poor photography on my part.
This was an excellent read. I bought the first comic a few weeks before I bought the rest to see if I would like it. I loved it from just a few pages in. Lots of humor.

So the story starts off with Longshot getting a free haircut which serves as both a story element and an explanation for a change in character design. Excellent update if you ask me. Longshot explains his powers to us a bit, he explains that he is a genitally engineered  clone of his son and had a magic spell put on him giving him luck. If he pushes his luck to far things go wrong. Well after getting a free haircut he tries to do his eye glowing thingy that he does when he uses his luck power to get some free hot dogs. Well this blows a whole in a ladies apartment and basically destroys the universe from the resulting chaos.

Now Longshot is back to right after the haircut after meeting a god of luck after his head. So now he has to figure out what that fancy cube he was playing with was and how to make the universe right again. thankfully the resident magic expert steps in to help him out. With him he brings a lovely cast of characters to help out. Did I forget to mention that they are now on the Shield Hellicarrier? Well they are. And soon the Demon Lord of Balance catches them. Except it is just the order side. See when Longshot touched that powerful cube he done split it apart. So the demon of balance is now split into order and chaos. Now its up to Longshot and Deadpool and Dr. Strange to save the world. Oh wait, nope. They all work for the order guy now. Except Longshot. He is now hanging out with chaos as they crash the Hellicarrier.

That isn't even the good part yet. Now chaos, saddened that the Hellicarrier didn't kill anybody because
Longshot lucked his way out of that, summons a few threats from other dimensions and parts of time. This is just great. There is a lovely but powerful version of Magneto summoned to the plan and Carnage is possessing the Silver Surfer While Venom is on the Punisher. Vampire lord Wolverine also goes to fight alongside with Werewolf Captain America. Captain America from this timeline shows up out of nowhere to send his former Lycanthrope self back to the past fully aware that he was supposed to show up and do this. I liked this bit. It makes fun of how the Avengers don't even bat much of an eye at time travel anymore and eagerly await their chance to be a part of it.

In the end the two halves are put back together and the Balance Demon guy realizes that it wasn't Longshot he was after but the crazy cube that he split into two. I left out some bits on the story but that is for you to read yourself. Because I would rate this as a must read. The Trade Paper Back should be out some time this summer or something like that. Or pick it up from your local comic book store. There will be less glare on your copy. Go read it now. Or when you have the money. Or whatever. Or don't. I'm not your mom. But, if you do have a mom that forces you to read comic books. That is kind of cool. And if she is single you let me know. I'd make a great dad.

This ad though. It is a KOHL'S ad for some type of Spider-Man Jacket that they supposedly carry. Where is the gloves man? Do they not sell matching gloves? I'd buy those sooner than I would the whole jacket. And jeans? Are you trying to sell us your dorky jacket by proving that we would only look extra dorky in it? I bet they put a professional model in that damn jacket too. Some guy who got into the job on his looks. And they cover him up and some guy is sitting in the back of the office wondering why they couldn't have gotten anybody with two arms and both their hands to put on the outfit. Shit they were probably mostly wearing jeans that day to the office anyways. Well... I guess wearing jeans to the KOHL'S office probably doesn't happen that much. Why not put Spider-Man in khakis.

I would like to thank Marvel for not putting the AR symbol on the front of the comic. It had the same kind of ad that was in the Thunderbolts issues but didn't put AR on the front so that I would go searching every page looking for it.

Well that is all I have to say for Longshot. Check back later in the afternoon for a report on how/what I did at the Heroclix even.

300 points Modern Force construction. Playing for a Giant Man.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Justice League: War

Sorry about the lack of Saturday post. With the internet off on my phone I wasn't able to put the finishing bits on my Heroclix event and submit my post. However this upcoming event will feature the comic series that I reviewed as well. Longshot. So look for that Saturday. Even if I have to post without the event standings.

©DC Comics, Justice League: War
So yesterday I watched Justice League: War. I forgot that it was a remake of a Geoff Johns and Jim Lee story line from 2011 on the Justice League's origin. What came out of this was an excellent movie. The voice acting was a little off but that is only due to how many great animated films DC has put out in the past and us already having an idea of what they would sound like. Everyone is so used to Kevin Conroy as Batman that anybody else seems weird. I did warm up to Batman: Brave and the bold but never did to THE batman.

One of the things I loved about this is that it wasn't a for kids show. Not that I'm all about upping the maturity of everything but some stories can just be too violent. This is an age where older people are buying a lot of the higher grade toys such as the ones they could sell with this movie. You know what they care about most is if they can sell toys. This movie should sell plenty of toys. There was some more appropriate language for the situation and they still ripped Darksied's eyes out of his skull. I didn't even know that I had read this story line but most everything in the movie was exactly as I remember it. New 52 starts about a year into the popping up of all the Capes. Darksied was a total badass in this movie. Superman was kind of a dick and a bit out of character to me. Batman was classic Batman and Cyborg had a really well told origin. His suit does look a little weird compared to traditional Cyborg but then again that is his new 52 outfit. Uniform. Costume. Capes are weird people. Dressing all funny.
©DC Comics, Justice League: War

I'm happy to see that they are starting up a movie continuity and that they aren't shoving it down our throats that they are doing so. In fact they are still planning on releasing two more DC movies this year that are outside of the new 52 stories. One thing I would love to see is a Justice League Dark movie. Really a Constantine/Hellblazer movie but I'll take what I can get over here. Hopefully they will give me more nice movies to watch. I took forever getting around to watching the Flashpoint Paradox movie. Never read the series either. I have a bad habit of that. Always being uninterested in reading the big story arcs like that then complaining that I only like miniseries. Blah Blah Blah. I'm not a movie reviewer. So I'm just here to tell you that I liked the movie and expected nothing less from DC on this one.

So I was looking through some of the older blog posts and noticed a problem. Imgur. Imgur was cool for sharing pictures on Reddit. However I will henceforth no longer use it for the blog. If I have an image to post I will upload it to the blog itself. It saddens me to look back and see the empty spaces where images used to be. Even recently I have been making the mistake of linking picture from other places on the internet. You would think that this would be the kind of thing you would learn to stop doing back in like 2005. But no, I'm still doing it like I'm some kind of noob. Trying to think of other ways to improve things around here. I know the whole site could use some kind of redesign or something. I just don't know what to do with it. It isn't exactly my area of expertise. I like the width that it is at right now and want to keep that where it is so that older posts don't look weird. Some of them right now look weird. I'm not very good still with figuring out how to position pictures on my blog. Half the problem is that if I try and force them to go somewhere then the automatic editor will still go and move them on me. So goodbye to Imgur. Hello to trying to remember to credit each image appropriately and maybe even looking up the actual laws on fair use and what not. I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing and bank a lot of it on the fact that I'm not making revenue anyways.

Which is another topic that I wanted to discuss with you guys. I think I might put ads on the page. Hopefully it will work out well and we will get nice target ads. If it becomes a detriment to the experience I will take them back off. My current idea is to put ads on and if I ever make enough to cash it in I'll use the money directly to upgrade the blog. Priority one is hiring friends who are artists to slave away making images for me such as a header and what not. Top banner. Whatever you want to call that thing. I want to look better. I feel like it will attract more readers if I do it that way and maybe even another writer. I would like to have someone come in and write about DC comics for me since I don't read it heavily enough to have that much of an opinion.

Final leaving note, article http://peoplesworld.org/black-superheroes-forever-changed-comic-books/

Thank you all for taking the time to read my posts. Sorry about Tumblr posts.

What to expect this week:

Wednesday's pulls:
GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #11.NOW ANMN (Trial of Jean Grey pt2.)

Saturday Heroclix:
300pt modern for Giant Man. Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (for real this time)

Tuesday Filler: 
Comics from last week that I read after Wednesday.