Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Justice League: War

Sorry about the lack of Saturday post. With the internet off on my phone I wasn't able to put the finishing bits on my Heroclix event and submit my post. However this upcoming event will feature the comic series that I reviewed as well. Longshot. So look for that Saturday. Even if I have to post without the event standings.

©DC Comics, Justice League: War
So yesterday I watched Justice League: War. I forgot that it was a remake of a Geoff Johns and Jim Lee story line from 2011 on the Justice League's origin. What came out of this was an excellent movie. The voice acting was a little off but that is only due to how many great animated films DC has put out in the past and us already having an idea of what they would sound like. Everyone is so used to Kevin Conroy as Batman that anybody else seems weird. I did warm up to Batman: Brave and the bold but never did to THE batman.

One of the things I loved about this is that it wasn't a for kids show. Not that I'm all about upping the maturity of everything but some stories can just be too violent. This is an age where older people are buying a lot of the higher grade toys such as the ones they could sell with this movie. You know what they care about most is if they can sell toys. This movie should sell plenty of toys. There was some more appropriate language for the situation and they still ripped Darksied's eyes out of his skull. I didn't even know that I had read this story line but most everything in the movie was exactly as I remember it. New 52 starts about a year into the popping up of all the Capes. Darksied was a total badass in this movie. Superman was kind of a dick and a bit out of character to me. Batman was classic Batman and Cyborg had a really well told origin. His suit does look a little weird compared to traditional Cyborg but then again that is his new 52 outfit. Uniform. Costume. Capes are weird people. Dressing all funny.
©DC Comics, Justice League: War

I'm happy to see that they are starting up a movie continuity and that they aren't shoving it down our throats that they are doing so. In fact they are still planning on releasing two more DC movies this year that are outside of the new 52 stories. One thing I would love to see is a Justice League Dark movie. Really a Constantine/Hellblazer movie but I'll take what I can get over here. Hopefully they will give me more nice movies to watch. I took forever getting around to watching the Flashpoint Paradox movie. Never read the series either. I have a bad habit of that. Always being uninterested in reading the big story arcs like that then complaining that I only like miniseries. Blah Blah Blah. I'm not a movie reviewer. So I'm just here to tell you that I liked the movie and expected nothing less from DC on this one.

So I was looking through some of the older blog posts and noticed a problem. Imgur. Imgur was cool for sharing pictures on Reddit. However I will henceforth no longer use it for the blog. If I have an image to post I will upload it to the blog itself. It saddens me to look back and see the empty spaces where images used to be. Even recently I have been making the mistake of linking picture from other places on the internet. You would think that this would be the kind of thing you would learn to stop doing back in like 2005. But no, I'm still doing it like I'm some kind of noob. Trying to think of other ways to improve things around here. I know the whole site could use some kind of redesign or something. I just don't know what to do with it. It isn't exactly my area of expertise. I like the width that it is at right now and want to keep that where it is so that older posts don't look weird. Some of them right now look weird. I'm not very good still with figuring out how to position pictures on my blog. Half the problem is that if I try and force them to go somewhere then the automatic editor will still go and move them on me. So goodbye to Imgur. Hello to trying to remember to credit each image appropriately and maybe even looking up the actual laws on fair use and what not. I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing and bank a lot of it on the fact that I'm not making revenue anyways.

Which is another topic that I wanted to discuss with you guys. I think I might put ads on the page. Hopefully it will work out well and we will get nice target ads. If it becomes a detriment to the experience I will take them back off. My current idea is to put ads on and if I ever make enough to cash it in I'll use the money directly to upgrade the blog. Priority one is hiring friends who are artists to slave away making images for me such as a header and what not. Top banner. Whatever you want to call that thing. I want to look better. I feel like it will attract more readers if I do it that way and maybe even another writer. I would like to have someone come in and write about DC comics for me since I don't read it heavily enough to have that much of an opinion.

Final leaving note, article http://peoplesworld.org/black-superheroes-forever-changed-comic-books/

Thank you all for taking the time to read my posts. Sorry about Tumblr posts.

What to expect this week:

Wednesday's pulls:
GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #11.NOW ANMN (Trial of Jean Grey pt2.)

Saturday Heroclix:
300pt modern for Giant Man. Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (for real this time)

Tuesday Filler: 
Comics from last week that I read after Wednesday.

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