Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Add Another Ad.

I know there is ads in comics. I know that it is a part of how they do their things. Especially cross promotion
ads. Pokemon is one of the best the best at each product cross promoting the other product. So it stands that you will see ads for other comics in your comics. One thing I rarely see though is double paged ads. maybe sometimes in the back of the book. Not usually in the middle not usually.

 So The panel above is from Savage Wolverine #24. The last sentence on the page ends with an ellipses (...). So you are waiting now to read the rest of what he is saying. And then...

That is something like what it felt like turning the page then having to turn it again. I would like to think that readers have a longer attention span then that, but what if they actually stopped to read the ad? That wasn't the ad but I liked it better.

It wasn't in Savage Wolverine. It was in each comic book. There was about 4 or 5 pages of the book in each one dedicated to advertising All New Marvel Now. Which is good for them. But, Damn! It was a little crazy. So much red. Fuck it, I'll make my site red. Which means no more dynamic view. Sorry phone users.

Point two here on this post is me talking about the blog usually. I have been wanting to update the page for a while now. The dynamic view is cool and everything but sometimes I feel like the page takes way to long to load because of it and it doesn't give me as much control. So I'm going to try out a new layout. They layout it self might change a few times but I'm going to go with red at least for a while. Expect updates again sometime in February.

So in case you weren't aware yet, I do this blog for my own health. It is a mental exercise and an excuse to keep typing things up hoping to keep my WPM up so I can get a cool office job one day. I am trying to work on my grammar and spelling but for a college educated person I still have a lot of work to do before I
Yes I added a random picture just to add a picture.
can act like I am any kind of professional writer. I don't write this blog to sell comic books. This is part of why I don't have a constantly updating list of whats coming out. I'm more focused on what I have read and what I might be able to add to the discussion. I might eventually add ads to my page but for now that is not going to happen. I think ads take away from the experience sometimes when the page with the ads on it doesn't need the revenue. Currently I don't need the revenue. It isn't that I don't need money but I don't expect this to be quality enough to bring some in.

At one point there was a donate button from PayPal on the side of the page. I would put that back up on the side but me and PayPal aren't on speaking terms without collection agencies being involved. If I ever clear up the whole $14 I owe them then I might add it back. If you guys know of another way to accept donations that isn't PayPal let me know. I almost added another writer to the blog but I don't feel structured enough to do anything like that. Nor do I have readership like that.

Another thing I like to do is use pictures. I don't know what is the right ratio of pictures to use and sometime look at a post and think I haven't done it all that well. I am working on it. I'm also definitely working on not saying definitely so much. I just like breaking up walls of text so they seem more approachable.

Had a news post yesterday on Monday that I will do sometimes when I hear a story that I have an opinion about to share. Monday was a good day for comic movie/show news. Especially good to hear more about something I'm excited about, Constantine. NBC ordered a pilot for Constantine which we suspected for a while would be coming. On top of that the CW is casting for their Smallville esque new show titled "Gotham"  It is going to follow a young Bruce Wayne from his parents death until he puts on the Cowl.

So that is it for this week. Be sure to tune in Thursday so I can tell you about what I read this week and tune in on Tuesdays to see what I am going to pick up that week. Thank you, as usual, for reading. Leave comments down below if you have something to share. I'm not sure where the follow button will be but hit the follow button when you read this because of redesigns but feel free to hit me up on Google +victor getman to follow. Have a great week.

This Saturday: There isn't a Heroclix event so I'll talk about Fantomex mini series.
Next Saturday: I'll talk about the Longshot Miniseries.
Tuesday: Black Widow, Marvel Free to play game on Steam, Amazing Spider-Man

Comics I'm picking up this week.

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