Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meta-Humans. Do They Walk Among Us?

Have you heard of any superheros flying around? No. You have not. You smoke too much weed. Last week when we were doing acid you spent most of your time crying about DUST BUNNIES to even imagine you could fly. Have there been some people that have had near super human abilities? YES! There are programs on that. Or programes if you are watching them in England where they call a season and series and who knows what the call the series as a whole. Have their been vigilantes? Yes. If there wasn't vigilantes then why would we even have come up with the word. The recent Donner situation has even drawn some parallels to comics, movies, conspiracy theory novels. Super villains? Bin Laden? No. Real people aren't quite the same and we are not about to discuss the holocaust.

So super heroes don't exist and super villains are up to interpretation. But what if they did? How would the come about? What would be the most likely ways for a superhero to actually come about? Following is my (insert number here) ideas on how it could happen and why I am excited about that possibility. I will also try and dig up some examples of how it has already started.

Monday, February 18, 2013

About myself

How about a little post about myself. 

Get it? See what I did there?  I am an angry Asian kid who just learned English. This isn't true but it may help you in accepting my dialect. I don't take shit for an answer. No is sometimes acceptable. But then I don't give a shit so that is sometime of geometry crap that I can't recall from 10th grade. Please no geometrical shit pictures. r/spacedicks.  Fuck it. Helvetica. I like this font beterer anyways. Gooder? You get the idea. recently I have been all about comic books not capitalizing the first letter in sentences. 

Do you like rollercoasters? What about inconsistent rollercoasters? What about roller coasters? IDK if it is my bipolar and my ADD working together against me but I am not consistent. The quality goes up and down. Dramatically  But stick with it as you won't want to miss the good parts. I will not likely do any belittling you or demeaning your values (unless you still live in national socialist Gramartzia.)

I hope to entertain you by being stupid. Not because I think that you will be entertained by the act of me being stupid but more because I am actually stupid. I graduated high school then banged my head into a wall for 7 years to make sure I forgot everything I learned or conned my way out of doing. I am not even good at conning my way out of doing things anymore. 

I lost track of what I was saying. If you have come here for a serious discussion about comics I suggest +Kyle Beck's Not available on Wednesday. <-insert link later.

Also I have a beard

The real dolphin of this post was to announce the new design and see what you guys think. You have been tricked.
Enhanced by Zemanta


All seriousness aside. I am starting this new blogspot here to ramble on about comics in an unintelligent manner. In the coming times I will explain to you why batman wins every fight. I will also explain why wolverine isn't as cool as he used to by and why you should be reading comics. But you are already reading comics. Or you like to tell people that you read comics when really all you do is watch Saturday morning cartoons and go to the movie theater so that they can tell you their version of origin stories so you can then argue with "real" comicbook fans about dumb things just for the new continuity of avengers to just go right ahead and all out acknowledge the movie continuity as a parallel universe. I will also argue about comicbook being one word. Because fuck you I am right and you have no way to argue with me agianst this point.

In closing (until I edit something in that make the post worse) The Doctor is a superhero. I would like to see him fight Brainiac.

If I say watter in any of my posts please downvote it so I will know to fix it.

Pre post script: holy shit I fucking typed this all up in html mode instead of compose mode. THAT IS WHY IT LOOKS COOL. Why it looks double-spaced I don't know. This is posted after the < /body > so I guess it is actually post-script.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

So +Kyle Beck made himself a new blog about comics. You should go check it out.

I however have my own opinions that I want to force other people to read. I think that tables still have a place in modern blogs. I refuse to believe that Hope Corgi isn't real. So where we are. This is what has become of that. Consider this post a prologue. Do you read prologues?

You are reading this so you do read prologues. Continue this for the rest of your life. For now the blog is under construction while I prepare posts and find the best way to fuck up the template with my 1998 html skills.

I only recently starting actually reading comic books (used to when I was young but haven't in the past ten years until a few months ago). I am not very good with the English language. (art degree) I DID indeed drop out of college for personal reasons(so attempted art degree). So bear with me and my ADD ramblings. You chose to read this. I didn't force you.

Unless I am forcing you. Like I have you tied to a chair poking you with bell peppers in your eyes until it becomes a nuisance. If this is happening again call the police.

So until I make a real post stop reading the words and just read the pictures.

balckjack hookers
hookers blackjack