So super heroes don't exist and super villains are up to interpretation. But what if they did? How would the come about? What would be the most likely ways for a superhero to actually come about? Following is my (insert number here) ideas on how it could happen and why I am excited about that possibility. I will also try and dig up some examples of how it has already started.
What if Kal-El Landed in Russia? |
You may already be thinking how I can consider this a serious possibility. I prefer to think that it would be narrow minded of humans to think that there aren't things out there in space that we have yet to even think we could wrap our minds around. What? There might could possibly be shit in space that is like super powers to us.
If we were to travel to another planet then what is to say that we wouldn't have super powers to them. Perhaps a sense of smell is a completely new concept to some alien race that managed to develop just fine without one until we came along and showed them how much more awesome it could be to literally smell danger coming. Some alien could just as easily show up to our planet with senses that we didn't even know you could sense. There are plenty of animals on this planet that can sense things like pressure, electromagnetic directing (like a compass) and simply the electric sense crap that sharks have.
Beyond that there could be physiological differences that make them able to withstand conditions that are fatal/harmful to us puny humans. Perhaps even surviving in space for periods of time. Pretty much any alien movie you see could just as easily be a super hero/villain movie.
Example - Meteor in Russia.
Now honestly Russia is hit by meteors all the time. This is just the first one to hit near a populated area and be caught on cameras since the youtube revolution. (insert youtube links here) This one is in the public eye though and that just plain makes it more interesting. We could have anything form a superman situation to
Russian Slime in Alien Park. |
What does this slim mean for humans? Who knows yet. YET. It could mean the start of the Teenage Mutant/Alien Ninja Turtles or it could mean a deadly space virus that ushers in a new era for mankind. It could just mean that frog brains are icky when they die and we didn't need aliens to tell us that. I prefer to believe that things like this can lead to the human race developing along a more powerful path with alien intervention. If you chose to believe in a form of religion that is applicable then it isn't a stretch to just say divine intervention/ divine plan and we can be done with it as jesus/thor/vishnu decides we should have saviors of mankind or just comes down and fights or battles for us.
Go read science fiction books.
Shibuya crosswalk with 17 Starbucks. |
It is pure mother flipping fact that there are more people on this planet than ever before. Last I checked there is 7 billion or so people that we know about plus the 3-5 billion that secretly live underground and under the ocean. In the past 200 years we went from barely 1 billion people to 6 in the your lifetime and now recently 7 in the past 25 years.
What I am working with here is odds. If it used to be that 1 in a million people had (random thing here) That means there are now 7000 people that have the supposedly rare thing. A little bit more when you get into specific statistics as opposed to generalizing it at one in a million, but this isn't a math lesson. The chances of crazy things happening suddenly aren't so crazy. It is likely that there haven't been 7 billion died as of 100 years ago. So this can lead to all sorts of odds that we can't even predict because the chances are 1 in 15 trillion and we would have no idea that it was even possible. Obviously we have certain ideas of how science work and plenty of things just don't work out to ever happen. However science is an ever evolving thing with no telling how else it could expand in the future and even near future.
The new volume of Uncanny X-men right now is having a major explosion of mutants. X-factor has the various lords of hell trying to kill a guy named Tier. See image underneath.
Mephisto's daughter points dramatically. |
#2 Technologies
Darth Vader Fights Luke Skywalker |
The only thing far fetched about the general idea of Batman and Green Arrow is how long they get away with fighting crime. Hawkeye is basically my favorite comic right now because it is about Hawkguy being a mostly regular guy. Nothing much happens that is to far outside of the realm of plausibility. These things could basically actually happen. So anybody can be a hero. The biggest problem is being in the right place at the right time to be a hero. This to me seems like the biggest obstacle in superheroes outside of comic books.
There are a few examples of people that have tired to be vigilantes. One recent one is the Petrosky Batman. I won't link to that article because it is kinda trashy in my opinion. What I will link you to is the Route 29 Batman. <That right there is the link to the Washington Post article. This Batman spends his free time and money to travel to children in hospitals to inspire them and hand out toys. You cannot argue that this man is a true hero. To these kids he is a superhero. Do read that article if the article has had your interest but do so after you finish mine so you aren't crying while you read the last part of this post.
Sorry if this image was too jarring without warning |
Here is some works from a guy on reddit about real people as super villains. Comparing Hitler to a super villain isn't a far stretch of the imagination. It is almost hard to argue that he wasn't super enough to be a super villain. He was the goddamn Hitler. Charles Manson has his own gang of murderers who he had corrupted. All that is missing is ice rays to make him a super villain. In the real world most villains are just criminals. The media does a terrible job of turning them into idols. The put to much idealism behind the the types of bad guys that really only get one shot stories. All we really need to do is lower our expectations and we already have villains and super villains. Take recent news stories like the Donner situations where he was a cop killer fighting against police corruption. The Colorado theater shooting of course comes to mind when this subject is brought up even though most comic book fans would prefer it not. Any mass murder is a terrible example of the kind of thing a villain would do right?
Well no. Not really. A better example of villains would be the Mexican drug cartels. They wage war in the streets. They kill. They distribute drugs. They do whatever they want. Their leaders are easily comparable to people like Kingpin and Joker when it comes to evil organizations. I'm sure there are corporate examples that have some similarities to Lex Corp I just don't have that date in front of me right now and it is probably conspiracy theories anyways. The one thing these people are missing to make the comic book villains is a unified person or group of people trying to stop them.
In the real world villains are brought down by the local police force. Or a military attack. A simple black ops team. Or by three navy SEALS from a boat 40+ yards away with perfect simultaneous head shots.They don't send in one guy. With the exception of a negotiations officer in movies when there is hostages. There is an entire force coming after them. The closest you get to one guy taking on a "villain" is a sniper. Even then there is the rest of the S.W.A.T team giving him support and the opportunity to take the shot. This again leads me to calling Hawkeye/Green Arrow the most plausible heroes that I am currently reading comics for. Even then their real adventures would be nothing like in the comics and they would most likely still be using a gun in a real world situation. When it comes to a guy that has already killed several people, the police are going to take him down however they need to to save lives. War criminals are lucky to see a trial before being brutally hanged. The idealism of heroes is possible the hardest part to get in real life.
Remember How I made you think of wonder woman earlier? This isn't what you pictured was it.
( I was going to post a picture of Wonder Woman adjusting the bottom of her uniform but I was unable to find the image again. will update with that when I find it. For now have this
I'm off to go play/watch Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the Whit Witch now.
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