Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ride The Lightning

This is actually a comics post. YAY. I have read a few of this weeks comics. Honestly the one I was most excited to read was the new Hawkeye. I am loving that series. I'll talk about it a bit more later. Batman Inc also came out. Another new bit for The Guardians. Fuck you squiggly lines. I have trouble spelling Gaurdians fucking dammit. I was looking right it it spelled correctly and still spelled it wrong. Fucking fingers. I have some opinions. Soup. So I'll get right into it so I can ramble on. I have some quite opinionated opinions. Lets turn it up and Kell 'Em All.

Batman Inc.

There is a spoiler in Batman Inc.  If you haven't read number 8 stop now. Defiantly don't ctrl+f the page for the words dies, joker, lizard man, static shock, wonder girl, tits. no search the page for tits. If you find some inform me promptly. Pics or it didn't happen. Hopefully you have done yourself well enough to not spoil anything at this point. I cannot avoid the subject as it is what I play to discuss.

Last Batman we killed off the Joker. I was kind of fond that they did it similar to the way it was done in Batman Beyond. The Arc was titled death of the family. So here we are a week later after the supposed falling out... nope. The family is still working together just fine. The death of the family is no longer the arc title strewn across the top with the Arrow advertisement. So they kill of Damian Wayne. Or as the local news puts it, "they killed robin again". Because the news doesn't give a shit about spoilers and also doesn't like being specific or accurate. We all should know that Damian was never killed off. And Jason Todd is alive and well. Well he is alive.

So there is a family member dead. And it is right along with the departure of the man who created him. Google that. Learn some things. So I can completely understand him wanting to take his character with him. Now I refuse to accept the permanent death of a character who gets half their genes from an Al'Ghul. There is bound to be some Lazarus pit shit going on up in this hizzy. Might be some moral plot points for Bruce to deal with as well.

I Think they shouldn't stop there. Kyle Goes on about DC being stagnate and I agree. They need change. Kill 'Em All. Do it. DO IT. Listen to that voice in your head. Not the emails telling you they won't publish that for fear of losing customers. Kill them all. Except oracle since you apparently just created her in new 52 if I even read that correctly. Also leave Red Robin (yum) alive so he can be in the teen titans. I would say kill off some more people while we are at it. They have already shown nightwing in his blue outfit the spoiler toads. So we know he won't die. Well fuck. Maybe DO kill Red Robin.

What the world needs right now is a little fire. Some fire you can't put out. Disable Batman and let the world go to shit for a while. If it wasn't for batman Martian Manhunter never would have stopped burning. Start a fire that we will talk about ages from now. When some of the great cities caught fire they came back stronger than ever after they put it out and rebuilt. These are comic books. They have flippin magic powers and super strength and shit. We can rebuild like its Tokyo the day after Godzilla around here.

IDK man. IDK what I want. Just show me something big.

Lets Talk about Arrow.

Arrow Geoff Johns low budget eye creeps me out.
nuff said.

So I started this on Wednesday and totally forgot about not finishing it. So.. since I only have a viewership of like three. I am sorry. So I shall give it to you know before I have to go on about the next batch of comics that came out. I don't want you three to think I don't care about you. I have been really distracted making things for my Mutants and Masterminds campaign. I shall go on about that here in a moment. Like.. I'm goign to leave this article unedited and go type one up about that.

Shit my opinions on this robin situation have even already changed by now.

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