Friday, March 8, 2013

Avengers, A symbol.

Anybody who would know this is a spoiler based on the artist I should think has already read this comic already. For those of you that don't recognize the brilliant colors of Fiona Staples this happened in issue #11 of Saga.  I don't know how I feel about it. On the one hand, I think this battle that is about to happen is logical and makes sense. On the other hand it seems a little bit like a dog chasing its own tail. I may not be that good at comics knowledge but I was under the assumption that what got us to the point in the story that we were reading two pages before this happened was that the Avengers had a big fight with the couple from saga in the first place causing all the life changing things that have us where we are.

Why on earth are we going right straight back to it?  I know I could wait it out and see where they go with this. But it is like they have a cycle now X-Men fight themselves, fight the Avengers fight them selves fight the Avengers then the Skrulls invade. Now we even got Magneto turning against the X-Men. Who would think he would do that. Oh wait. Everyone. Because Magneto started off fighting against the X-Men so why are we supposed to think he is going to stay on their side for long. He has lost most of his power/hair and wears all white out of some respect for Charles or something (he died if you didn't know). So now we have a weird Cyclops and a weird Magneto running around with some chick with a giant sword.

When we aren't looking over there we have Wolverine running around with not weird Cyclops and Jean Grey from the past. And who shows up over there to give them a talking to? That is right. Mr. sticks his nose in your business America. he wants to wine and complain about Hank jumping through the time stream like he is the goddamn time police. You know who is the time police? THE TIME POLICE. The time police totally just showed up in Spider-Man just a few weeks ago and made sure that the timelines are secure. This means Captain Americandowhateverhewants, who has met the time police before mind you and knows they exist, should butt out of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning's business if they want to jump around in time. Obviously they haven't broken anything yet.

Now I am not saying I didn't enjoy reading X-Men this week. I enjoyed reading All new X-men #8 this week as much as I enjoy reading Hawkeye. Fuck you red squiggly lines. Hawkeye is a word. I really enjoyed reading the dichotomy between preset Angel and past Angel. Not to mention the super cool ass kicking they did. Other xmen stuff was cool too. X-Force was cool. That brings up a point. Angel thought if his past self died then he would cease to exist. But Cable is still here even though his future doesn't exist anymore. Is there something about Cable that I am not understanding? He got his psychic powers from Jean didn't he? Because Nathan Summers never got born in the 616 as far as I can tell. If he did I would sure like to know who the fuck is raising him. However Past Jean Grey is in town so maybe present time Cyclops will find her and fall in love all over again. Is it statutory rape if the girl is a time traveler? If Angle had sex with Angel would it be sex or masturbation? These are classic time traveler questions.

♫ Spider Man. Spiderman. Does whatever a Spider-Man can. Does he shoot; From a Gun. No he doesn't; he's Spider-Man. Look OOUUUUUUTTTT. Doc Ock is Spider-Man.
"Oh no, you are spoiling it. I don't like people who spoil comics." SHUT UP BRAD. It is on the damn cover. I have heard several people complain that at the end of the comic, Spider-Man shot a gun. How did they not see this coming. That is like not knowing the girl recording the video was going to get dragged off at the end of the movie Quarantine when it was the movie poster. Smoking gun is both a term used to describe something as conclusive evidence to something and also the freaking cover. Cyclops killed professor Xavier under mind control. Doc Ock is in Parker's body. As far as his close relationships Doc Ock is improving those. Spider-Man's life is also improved in the public eye. Even after shooting a guy (possibly) the public still likes him better. Mayor Jameson fucking loves the guy now. They don't care because he saved lives. This is the Iron Age. Sometimes a bad guy has to be put down. Especially when they are a shitty bad guy who has already been shot in the head before. Was he shot? IDK something like that.

I don't mind the story development. I am glad to see all sorts of things moving forward. I am also glad that Slott has got me into reading Spider-Man because I had lost a lot of interest in the character for a while there. Now I anxiously await the next Spider-Man issues. Be it Superior or Avenging. The only part of this don't like is the over use of ghost Peter Parker. Some parts of the issue he makes sense and contributes. Most of the time it is just him whining about what Doc Ock is doing over and over and over again. I hope Slott realizes the overuse of the character and finds a new way to use him. Most of the problem is from the first interaction on. The first thing we see is ghost Parker stay SpOck's hand. (SpOck is what the cool kids are calling, you know what the fuck I am talking about)  After that though they have and zero interaction. Where was Parker when SpOck was pointing a guy and Massacre's head? Standing in the background crying about it. Crying his poor little ghost tears apparently unable to affect Ock's actions anymore.

Well that about does it for comics for now. Have a great weekend guys. Remember that this week we cured HIV with bees and a Dictator died. My legal advisor (a glass of rum and Pepsi Zero) has advised me that he wasn't a dictator. He was just president for 14 years. Honestly I don't know enough about Hugo Chavez other than sharing a name with a hurricane that ravaged the SC coast (my home state). So take from his death what you need to. And tell my neighbors to answer their damn phone and stop burning all their food.


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