Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Catching up on comics.

Superior Spiderman (down arrow)
Age of Ultron (up arrow)
Detective Comics (up arrow)
Hawkeye (dot)
Justice League (up arrow)
Batman (meh arrow)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BOOB WINDOWS (Tuesday Filler)

I tried to get a picture of porn version Power Girl but she wouldn't keep the outfit on long enough.

So I have been doing research on boob windows in comics. I didn't want to turn this into a sexualization of women in comics. They do the exact same thing to men so whatever. I am more wanting to report on boob windows as a fashion design thing. I don't know what authority I could claim to have on fashion but I am going to try this anyways. This is going to take a while to do the write the kind of article that I want to write so here is a dump of some images from my research.

Not pictured, Underboob.
Women have boobs. It is socially acceptable to display portions of your boobs so that people can admire them in quick glances when you, hopefully, aren't looking. There are many ways to display your boobs. Pictured to the left is a few of the ways boobs can be viewed in public. We have regular cleavage, the classic. We have sideboob, a sign of a fancy dress. And as part of the title we have the boob window. As it hopefully you have seen in real life boob windows aren't only in comic books. They are a little more unnatural looking in many female super hero outfits when put together with a skin tight outfit. I'll use boob a lot in this article.
 Star Trek has the cleavage window. It is even part of the Klingon standard issue outfit. This is what was wrong with the federation outfit. Imagine Deanna Troi or 7 of 9 in boob window outfits. Giggity. At some point I know I will get to comic girls in weird outfits. But first off I have to explore the analogues with regular people clothes. And I guess watch more porn parodies. Did you know that Time Lords and Klingon both have two hearts?

Now I prefer to write my articles sequentially as opposed to going back and editing them. By this is mean I start writing before I know where exactly I am going to end and then I just keep going from there. Essentially I don't have the time or skill to go back and be more concise. What I do have is pictures of boob windows in comics. They are everywhere. I have searched and searched for something to say about them. They are a topic that I take note of often. The only thing that I have definitively come up with to say on them by the time Tuesday rolls around is that they are silly. They are everywhere. Tv tropes doesn't even scratch the surface of their use. So here instead of more comments is what you may have come to see. The image dump.

This is possibly the dumbest one I saw during all of my research.
Later the boob window was removed from Rockets outfit in ICON.
I do belive that is Talia Al Ghoul 

That is just a few pictures that I have gotten off the internet. I shall add to this every now and then as I read comics and see more of them.

Okay Witchblade is allowed to have boob windows.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Uncanny Spoilers

Uncanny this, Uncanny that. I was going through my unread comics from this week and the past few weeks. I noticed a trend. Too many comics had Uncanny at the beginning. Most of them All I can read is Uncanny... then the rest is cut off. IDK why I don't have some type of newstand app. I also have the windows 98 look on my computer so maybe I just like looking at things like that I guess. Anyways. Uncanny X-Men

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Speak his name and he shall appear.

Marvel Comics #1 (Oct. 1939), the first comic ...
Marvel Comics #1 (Oct. 1939), the first comic from Marvel precursor Timely Comics. Cover art by Frank R. Paul. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hey dog. It is Tuesday. Do you know what times it is! Yes we can!

There are many things that appear when you speak of them or speak their name. Much power can be given to a name. The Devil, Beetlejuice, Melkor and Sauron both I belive, Voldemort, CandleJack, The Fairy Puck, Morpheus, Undertaker, Odahviing, red squiggly lines. Well red squiggly lines accept a lot of invitations that weren't meant for them. Most of those weren't comic related. And none of you have been in a published comic either have you. So you aren't about comics. GUH! I am digressing too much. At least I didn't write that joke blog where I pretend to be offended about the use of the devil in comics.

Honestly I don't know where I am going on about here. Here is Ron Perman being a badass.

I promise I am not just trying to pad up the size of this blog with big picture and links to shit and all sorts of other trickery to have you spend more time on my page. I'm probably already getting to the point where you want to click next on the blogs. But you can't That is gone. Mwahahaha. (filler episodes usually suck). Sorry I should get to talking about something about comics. Hellboy is comics. But I haven't read any Hellboy recently  ever. I really haven't been reading comics all that long. I don't see that as a bad thing. I don't feel that not reading comics for that long disqualifies my opinions. I have been a comic book fan for a long time. I would by a one off every now and then. That was really my extent of comic reading. I didn't have the means for keeping up with monthly comics. I did read manga. I liked that a bunch of stories came in one neat little book. It was convenient.

So now I read comics. I have been reading for like 6 months or something idk. Reading regularly that is. I knew most of the back stories for everybody somehow. I'm honestly not sure how I had as much comic knowledge as I did with the amount of exposure I had. It definitely isn't proportional to my English skills versus exposure. Wait did you tell me to drink a rum and Sprite(r)? FUCK YOU I"LL TYPE IN WHATEVER WINDOW I WANT! Capslock is for noobs. I hold shift. Quick reminder there is two shits on your keyboard. Do you use both like you are supposed to or do you do finger yoga everytime you need a capital G. *don't link NIN songs, you arleady linked enough songs* The worst part about filler episodes is how long they seem to drag on.

Hey. This blog is now about demons like it was supposed to be. My name is never was. I sometimes like the theme of demons in a comic. I can enjoy hellboy. I can enjoy a short trip to hel to talk with hela or a trip to Azazel's hell so Wolverine can Snikt some demon dogs and shit. I liked the story they did recently in uncanny
X-force.. wait. No. One of the x-forces was caught in the middle of a fight between all the respective rulers of different hell's. I liked this. I like any way that John Constantine or Circe go about playing with guys from hell. You know what? You're my wonderwall. I mean I like the theme overall. If I was presented with an American comic with demons in it I would be inclined to look at it. I specify American because Japanese can treat their demons way different than we generally do so it requires more to go on. This even extends to other comics that deal with another type of occult situation. I love The Crow and some of the related comics/movies/shows.

What I don't like is when it seems to be inserted into an unnatural place. Granted as I said I haven't read enough comics to earn my right to complain. Spider-Man however does not need to be hanging out with demons and getting a barbed penis from Morpheus or whatever the fuck happened. I have no idea what happened of if nuzelock made 100% of that shit up. Now Captain america fighting hordes of demons just doesn't make any sense. Red skull yes, other shit with red skin and weird faces no. I don't want to watch Superman Duel with the devil. MTG players recently saw the duel between Sorin the lord of Vampires (and Innistrad) go up against Tibalt the Half Demon Planeswalker (who once lived in Innistrad before he sparked) That isn't relevant you say? Have you been reading the IDW Magic Comic? Well I keep forgetting too. At least I picked up issue one before I forgot. Even though it didn't go up in value.

Now I have my particular religious beliefs and  you have your particular beliefs. I always wonder how they go about thinking how to approach characters that seem a bit biblical in comics and some other media. A lot of the time they seem to go off of the approach that it is there world they are writing here and you have to accept whatever version of reality that they put forth for you to view at the time. I didn't hear anybody bitching about Dogma. I'm sure even the concept of Having Thor be an actual character in Marvel comics was a struggle. I know what J.R.R. Tolkien went through as he wrote it out for us in a few letters that have been published in places like the Silmarilion. I have a character in my Mutants and Masterminds that would like to believe that he is descendant of biblical angels. Not sure how to go about it though. Seems every path leads me to nowhere. Do I just go with lots of things or right or do I go with the church is right or do I just go naw dog. You are just an angle. Don't be so obtuse about it. Here comes the rooster. I really have already come to the conclusion that I wanted to about it. But I bring up the question anyways. I still have personal reservations on ways I would like to write the story and certain amounts of religion that you must address when writing a story. You know I used to think he said that he took his pills for machine gun death. Much worse than mosquito death but if there were pills for machine gun death those would sell out fast.

We have magic users in the game. I plan to make them an important part of the world besides mutants. So then again we have the question of religious beliefs. I prefer to go with the whole nothing is certain this is not any different from real life where nobody is certain approach. At the same time one of the main NPC's has met and works for Hela ruler of Hel. Sure the Asataru memebers of my local group will just be like, "yeah that is cool, why are you saying it like that though" I looked it up. It is an acceptable pronunciation. Also it is my world and I'll make her a stripper if I want to who runs a blackjack table in vegas. *writes that down for future use* But how is the Angel in the group supposed to feel about that. How much am I allowed to tell the people in the group how their character feels. I have already gotten a few characters complain about why on earth they would be part of the group. My response should just be that you should reconsider your character then because this is the story you are playing. When I get these complaints for seasoned table top players it makes me question if everything is going according to hikaku*. I feel like I should remind the players that as GM I am god. I am infallible (unless you can show me in the rule book where I did it wrong)That sounded like a person being way more sure of them selves than I truly am. I wonder how much I will be able to put my foot down. I also wonder how much being an angel I can put into the story before the players are uncomfortable with the story.

Burn burn like wicker cabinet. Feel free to leave you comments on the subjects below. Thank you for reading this far. I'm going to pop over to writing over on my more personal blogsite before I ramble on to much about myself or get to telling you about all sorts of video game and board game stuff. That's right. I talk about board games and video games on the other one. And myself. So the link is at top for the adventures of nothing in particular. Technically this post will actually go up after that post is posted possibly.

(*Hikaku means plan)

In case you needed more shit to listen to.
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

80 page spectacular!

DETECTIVE COMICS ISSUE 19. SPECIAL 80-PAGE SPECTACULAR. As I start this blog this is all I have read. I'll just be honest that I borrow digital files from another person. So I don't know if this is out this week or if I am ahead of schedule or if they just usually print the next month on a comic ahead of schedule. Who knows. But this "80 page special" is more of a 72 page file. Then it there is 3 covers the two pages of that stupid news thing at the end and another fluffed page with nothing on it of note. I did accept the random art pages as pages though. But I assume there was ads that I am missing and it is 80 pages ads including.

What I do know is that this was a good read. I haven't been reading detective comics, but if they are mostly comics told within the confines of one book I would like that. The stories all interact with each other and with all sorts of other bat comics. However they finish the main problem within the story they tell in need comic. I like that. Six issues in a row with cliffhanger endings ruins the drama of a cliffhanger ending. Just my opinion but damn if it doesn't get me some times. Anyways. Not turning this into a rant.

So here is a rant about what Batman is wearing in the first and last story in this issue. Batman is getting old. Ever since Detective comics first ran the Batman Issue back in 1876 we have seen the gradual modernization of Batman. Only in a few non cannon stories with their own run have we seen Batman get old. Even in Batman Beyond he didn't seem like he really got that old. He was still fighting crime and shit.

It is good to see them finally showing some age with batman in the New 52 version of batman. Alfred Pennyworth or Penny One as he is now called is quite balding with a ridiculous comb over. Now we have Batman wearing suspenders like a grandpa. Look at those. I posted them right to the right so that you can tell. Not only is he wearing suspenders now but he is forgetting what characters are in what comic universe. Frankly he is going senile. He should have guessed Savage Hawkman. That would have been funnier for me to write about. also I think Ivy is getting grouped in the panel right below that. Oh yeah. she is. Rated T for Teen.

Being rated T for Teen another thing I would like to talk briefly about. I like that they do this. I know there was a controversy way back when green arrow wanted to write a comic about speedy being on drugs. They were all like whoa whoa whoa. Can you write a comic about that? Then they came up with their own comics approval board. Then later on they ditched the approval board because everybody was either behaving or writing a comic with out the approval of the board and just warning them on the cover.

I like how nobody has tried to step in, at least in recent times, and censor what a comic is going to be about. Comics have been around for a long time and come a long way to earn that place. They regulate themselves and they do it internally. They don't need a big corporation hovering over their heads judging there every move and they definitely don't need a government run one doing just that. This is why I enjoy comics as one of the best ways of artistic expression. Movies have the MPAA sitting over their head and maybe even a few others that I don't know about. Without their approval and rating they can't put their movies in theaters. But a comic only has to go through their publisher and the editor for approval for sale on comic store shelves around the world. (should look up how other countries sell comics before making this claim maybe) Some people make jokes about how editors are evil but everybody has editors anyways and everything not indie and even a good bit of what is considered indie has a publisher.

Games seem to have it the worst right now from what I see where I am sitting. The ESRB and 15 other different ratings boards around the world do not seem to be doing the good that they were intended to be doing. I do like there is a convenient and recognizable symbol on games to say whether or not they are appropriate for kids. I also like that is is not government regulated and is basically game publishers distributing censorial duties amongst themselves through a board they set up. Unfortunately this board was born out of lawsuits and government interactions. On top of that it isn't doing the good they wanted it to do. parents don't care what they by their kids on the most part. Any form of forcing kids to be unable to get these games is not what is going to stop them from playing them. Honestly I don't think they need to be stopped. That is entirely up to the parent. I do agree with stores refusing to sell M-Rated games to minors. That should be kept up. Generally a store won't sell comics like that to kids either. Granted on average a comic store employee knows their comics better than the average person working electronics at Walmart that had a prompt pop up on their screen asking for ID.

With age comes acceptance. Music in its various forms has gotten away with regulating in however it feels is appropriate to sell its wares. Parental Advisory stickers do their work. Movies have gotten to the point where they can sell their DVD as unrated and nobody complains anymore. One day I would like to see games get to this point. I would say keep the E, T, M ratings but drop the ESRB part off and be allowed to regulate themselves departmentally. There is no reason this transition can't be made smoothly. I feel like the fact that they have a regulating board is just more fodder for the talking heads to make people blame the problems of society on others. Perhaps the future will come. Games will mature. Digital games will likely be the first to adopt. I don't ever remember seeing an esrb rating on Minecraft. I searched it.
It doesn't have a rating except on XBLA where it is required to.  This guy also did some talking about the issue. Randomly found it while searching for CCA picture to use. Sorry it is from kotaku. It isn't one of the journalists I don't like though. Also I like posting the full links when they describe themselves.

Unrelated. but HBO SHOWS WITH BOOBS! GAME OF THRONES. BOOBIES. If you don't like boobies here is some a butt from Detective Comics #19

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Comic Frames (Tuesday filler)

I am a bit transient right now. Not homeless. But not living at home either. I have a house but it is unlivable as
is. I don't have a place on the wall to hang my comics but I would like to keep them safe and nice when I have ones I like. At my house in what used to be the game room I have a bunch of  pictures on the wall. Well not pictures. I picked up a magazine that was all Nintendo posters. In my room I also have a collection of posters all jumbled together. These looked good when I was a teenager. However they didn't translate into looking good when I was an adult. Ideally I would like to frame some old posters like my Metallica poster, Fallout 3 poster and Bioshock poster. However I have come to find out that a bunch of posters stapled to the wall just doesn't come off as looking that good. I would love to start buying comics way more often and was looking for a way to frame them.

Then I found this link. This guy used simple dollar store frames to hang a shit ton of his comics on the wall.
Look at all them transformers comics
Frankly I only have maybe three I would want to hang on the wall right now. Eventually when I open my house back up to guests I think this will have a nice look to it. I shall dedicate an entire wall to comics. One day, perhaps, I will fill it all up with meaningful comics. That was all for today. Hopefully I got around to adding the pictures before this ended up posting itself. This is what you risk when you schedule posts 4 days in advance. EDIT: Added. Take that Lex Luthor.