Friday, May 17, 2013

Catwoman and Dat Ass.

This week I got a wild hair up my ass and read Catwoman. I do occasionally read Birds of Prey. Since she was never part of tie ins I never really read the Catwoman solo book though. So I read it today. I was glad to see the Girl sticking to her roots. Sexy tight-fitting costumes. Shots of her butt and boobs in excellent "crime fighting" poses. And what is she doing in this issue? Stealing jewels from Cobblepots dead mother. Sound about right now me. Fucking love it. Catwoman doing catburglary. Then the issue goes on and she has a penthouse full of ladies. Ladies aren't cats. There are at least cat statues and toys around and stuff. But then she encounters  Lee Everett from The Walking Dead. Without the zombies around he apparently has super powers. And then he is a Minotaur. And then they are on a beach? How did they get on a beach? Then Cobblepot shows up to save the day? What? Why is Penguin suddenly showing up to wait. I am an idiot. I thought he showed up in helicopter on the last page. That isn't even close to what happened. what is wrong with me.

What is wrong with you. You been eyeing that butt up there. You like that butt? Check down below for who's butt that is.
Avengers: The Enemy Within #1

That is right. You were staring at Nightwing's butt. Does this make you wonder if you have a thing for Dick Grayson? Check out the rest of Nightwing 20 where there is plenty more shots of him taking off his shirt and showing off his butt. A few underwear scenes were thrown in just for your pleasure. He even fights another man in a tight fitting costume.

Did I mention that magneto is on the Birds of Prey now? Check that out. Go read that. Then we can talk about Avengers: The Enemy Within. Then I got within the last page for it to tell me that if I want to read the rest of that story then I have to buy a completely different comic. Um.. Okay. What is going to be in the next Avengers: Enemy Within then? Another Avenger having problems? Is that one then Going to be continued in another comic book even? Oh well.

Didn't read much in comics this week. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are going to be somehow involved in the next Avengers movie. Dwayne Rock Johnson is going to be Luke Cage in something. Renner better sure as fuck either return as Hawkeye in Avengers 2 or be a normal part of the cast on SHIELD. Now I get that that Nightwing picture is too big because I have ran out of things to say. Hutsafuzzit.


r/whatsinthisthing [spoilers for Wolverine n X-Men 29]

\ And over here I am probably being down-voted for my nonsense. But this explains why I made this post.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


A few while there back now I posted an article about framing comic books. The plan was to get document frames from the Dollar Tree and put comics in them. Lazy SOB that I am I get any random frame that looks right and use the backboard that came with it. Went well enough after all.
I got a gift card for Dollar Tree for my birthday. First thing that comes into my mind of course is remembering the comic book frames idea I read about and reblogged. So I head out to the local shop with some ideas on shit I can buy. What could the Dollar store possibly have for a dollar that I want?

Well it turned out I wanted a lot of things from the store. A few things I needed and then a few things I just wanted. You may have already glanced to your left and noticed that that is not the batman #1 vol 2 (second printing) that I wanted to frame. Nor is it the Wolverine volume who knows what #1 that I wanted to frame either. It is a random Spawn comic. Where did I get a Spawn comic your are probably not wondering? Well I have an answer anyways. I got it from the dollar store. Not only did I get the Spawn comic but I also got a Crux comic pictured below and a Hulk 2099 Trading card from a set that I used to actually collect. All of this for a dollar. So that to me was pretty cool.
Excuse the lazy sizing. I am lazy on Tuesdays.  Whoa. Dammit Blogger. You need to get your shit together on letting me put images in. I am seriously disappointed. Anyways, I might read those two random comics but I don't expect much out of them. Still haven't read my Aphrodite IX from free comic book day yet either.   The more interesting thin even was when I opened up the package and found a little insert in there. Might have gotten ignored as just random junk inserts trying to get you to subscribe to stuff but I was interested in what it could possibly want me to subscribe to. Comic books by the pound. Yeah. You can order comic books from them by the pound. Try and tell me that isn't kinda cool. There was a decent selection of lots to choose from. Don't be surprised if sometime this year you hear about me ordering 50lbs of comic books. I would almost do it out of pure curiosity that they would actually send me that many comics. I definitely want to order something from them. I feel like I need a giant comic book collection. Http:// if you are interested in checking it out for yourself. On to the framing.

Take this
Turn it in to this

And that is pretty much all that I did. The frame had an easel stand but that broke rather quickly. Can it be done better? Sure it can. Is there frames that fit it better? Yep. But I did not easily see them at the dollar store. For now. Seems pretty good to me. If only I had a place to hang it. And a first printing Batman #1. Or the B/W variant that I totally could have bought for $14 at one point and definitely should have. Well that is all I have for today. Arrivederci

Friday, May 10, 2013

Herp Derp Derp Comicals.

Ah. It would seem that A. Bug also felt like talking about cites being destroyed this week. Looks like my Tuesday Filler post was more relevant than intended.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Newly rebuilt Baxter Building (Tuesday Filler)

In fantastic four #6 Doctor Doom launched the Baxter building into outer space. In another issue (or the same idk these comics are old) His adopted sun shot it into space and exploded it. I really hope this was the same event but would not be surprised if it happened twice.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Jade Ball Special

This was a good week. Aside from Superior Spider-Man I enjoyed everything I read this week.
{spiderman picture here}

First up is Indestructible Hulk. If you read last issue you saw that he picked up Thor's Hammer. Some Norse Enthusiast's may have some complaints about that. As with anything in a comic that you may have a complaint about, wait it out. They might be going somewhere with it. They might being taking 2 years getting around to tidying up their loose ends on your complaint. Give it some time to straighten itself out. This is how I feel the whole SpOck situation is going to go. I liked it from the beginning but it has lost its favor recently.

The hulk however just gets better. Fighting ancient Atlantean gods was cool and all, but fighting ice Giants with classic Thor is even cooler. Freaking Hulk smacking ice giants with Mjolnir Favorite part is right here.

You have probably heard of the fast ball special before. It is a thing where Colossus throws Wolverine at a protagonist. It is cool. People like it. It has a cool name. It is generally fun to throw dangerous people at your problems. This gets taken to a whole knew level as Thor (possibly) throws Hulk at some of the residents of Jotunheim. There isn't really a reason to throw Hulk. He is quite capable of propelling himself. It isn't even positive from the panels that he DID throw the Hulk. I think it is quite likely that is what is being displayed here. While not being necessary to throw the Hulk at your problems, if you were capable of performing such a feat you most likely would do so. I would. I'd have trouble throwing a football at my problems if it wasn't one of those Nerf ones with the tail and whistles on it and shit.

Hawkeye was good. The art was a little different and things were a bit off. At first I wasn't sure. It felt like I was reading a different kind of Hawkeye. But then I got the the end and felt it all tied it self up nicely. Spoiler alert! Grills (Gil) was shot last issue. That was a sad time. Some comics put in an event where a minor character that fans have come to love dies, then they never speak of him again and continue like everything is mostly normal. Clint however is notably torn up. The whole issue felt like it was a dedication to Gil. Also some character development for the protagonist and Lady Hawkeye. Why you no AR Hawkeye?

AR. I noticed a lot of AR panels this week. It really seems to have been picking up. If you aren't aware of what that AR is I'll quickly explain. AR stands for altered reality. It is a decade old technology where you hold something up to a camera and it makes it something else on the screen. Or stuff like that. A while back Marvel started adding these to comics. There is an app for your phone that would allow you to view the AR panels. Or you can just youtube it. Hold up your phone to the thing and you can view the extra material. However it still doesn't work right with my phone so I have yet to do it. As soon as I say this I get it to work.  So that is what that screen shot below is from the AR. The panel in question is being shown to us in the sketch variety and someone is talking to us about why he wrote this hulk story. Because he fucking wanted to.

Saving Age of Ultron for the weekend. Which was not an AR comic this week. They seem to go in and out on what is and isn't. A large varaity has used some AR in it at some point. Avengers, Wolverine, X-Men, Spiderman, Hulk, AU, lots of other stuff.

So on to DC comics. What did I read from DC comics this week? The DC comic itself. Detective comics has quickly grown into something for me to read. IDK if they changed writers or anything recently but I have been enjoying reading it. I was hoping for a continuation of the short in the back of, I think, Batman Inc. Silly thought I had. But this issue was also pretty good. Continued on the Harvey-Birdman story line. Had some dark grim imagery like I like to see sometimes. Also the most important part. The Tumbler. IDK at what point Batman actually got a Tumbler but the mother fucker Has a Tumbler. He wanted to send a message and the message was received. Also then Batman proceeded to fuck up. Because he is still in rage mode over Damian or because sometimes you just fuck up? Who knows. But We got a new villain on the rise out of this. I like this. I liked the story. I still want to read more damn Supernatural Investigation with Superman and Batman.
