Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blessed are the Damned.

In case you didn't know this about me, I like the character John Constantine. Granted I didn't fall into this until a few years after the Keanu Reaves movie came out. Ever since I picked it up though I have come to like hte character more and more. I even emulated him in my pathfinder games that I ran as a major character. Although I couldn't really do a good Newcastle accent. Nord and Australian though I have to a recognizable tee. So I come to you this evening to talk about the NBC show Constantine


I, like many, watched the pilot episode for Constantine months ago. And I got worried. I wasn't the biggest fan of what I saw. I liked Matt Ryan's portrayal of Constantine and accepted that he was still finding his place in the role. The woman in the story though. Major meh. Thankfully they listened to the fans. She was quickly replaced and they didn't even explain it really. Now Constantine is being followed around by a much better story character in the newly awakened psychic. I'm current with the show as of the writing of this blog.  Thankfully Hulu gets the show next day.

I had a few gripes with the show at first. I felt a lot like it needed a higher rating and that the show was being held back by John having to be kept from smoking and cursing. The character is no idol. He is imperfect. He has vices and works to conquer them finding himself more capable of dealing with other peoples problems than his own. He is easy to relate to. a few episodes in and the show is really starting to pick up. If you stopped watching I suggest picking it back up if you are a fan of this type of story. Episode 5 with papa midnight, Constantine casually lights a fire with a cigarette that we never saw him light or smoke. This lead me to believe he was filmed smoking and it was just cut out. So I was starting to have some faith that maybe there was more filmed than what aired. Maybe Constantine did smoke in the show and cursed occasionally. Maybe their play was to release the unrated dvd collection afterwards and rake in the secondary money.

Then end of episode 6 he lights a cigarette. Nobody talks about it. All next episode nobody talks
about how he suddenly started smoking. A few curse words were thrown in while we were at it I noticed. He went from clean mouthed to ass. Not arse. Ass. Which was a little weird but I let it pass. Maybe I don't understand English accent differences as much as I thought I did. Having never been to England and All. New England doesn't count. It is just cold and full of Steelers fans.  So here he is now smoking and cursing. The occult is getting more and more up to par with what I expect out of it. You can follow what they are doing with their occult stuff and it doesn't feel overly christian like the 2005 movie did.

So now here we are. I feel caught up on Constantine the show and I'm watching the latest epp legally the day after it aired. I'm loving this future where producers realize what people want out of them and give it to them. I liked this episode a bit more than the rest. We didn't durdle around as long in filler scenes. The basic premise of this episode was that a holy man with sin on his soul tore a feather from an angel on his way to the afterlife and found himself back to life now as a healer of the people as an angel lays dying in the woods. John is found smoking and cursing to a small degree throughout the show.  Most importantly he is the typical master of the dark arts that we expect from him. Skeptical of everything he sees and sure that he is always right.

As usual he is proven to be wrong a few times in this episode. The twists are only predictable once they have set us up the clues they intended us to see. We still don't know who exactly Zed is. Her mysterious past is a welcome plot line for me. They like to tease little things here and there from throughout the DC universe and the Hellblazer/Constantine story-line. I'm excited to see more of how this story goes.

Of course there were rumors that Constantine may be on its way out the door at NBC. We have the rest of the season to go for us yet to tell. So if you have a neilson box go ahead and give Constantine a watch on Friday nights please. Also hit it up on hulu and any other valid online streaming method you have so that they know you are watching and that people like the show. #SaveConstantine

Thanks everybody for bearing with me and my poor writing skills. I started blogging because I like to express myself. I keep blogging to try and improve my writing and organization skills. If you have any comments or concern please feel free to comment below or email me at jesuisunbear@gmail.com (soon to change see about me for updated info)

suggested listening today is

Saturday, December 6, 2014

And Then I Posted nothing again.

I moved. It took a while and I had some troubles and some trials. This has actually been one of the best living situations I have had in a while though. Roommate stays to herself and I stay to myself. It works out here. What didn't work out was the Internet. We both had bad records with Time Warner and were trying to find a way around it. Eventually we just caved and took care of our problems and now we have the Internet. Also I finally have a computer back, which I have had for a few months without internet.

So here I am. Settled in. I said I would keep posting again once I was settled in and here I am 8 months later finally doing that. The problem is, however, that I haven't read shit. Last time I bought comics was halfway through the 'Death of Wolverine'. I still have to finish that even. I have some backlog to go through just to catch up in the series I want to read the most. Also now that I actually pay rent my comic book budget is quite lower. Also the store nearest me close and i don't live near the good comic book store anymore.

So basically not a lot of things going in my favor. Life wise though I am fine. I have been riding the bike and playing Pokemon. But, this isn't a life blog. Check the sidebar, or whatever current place links are with the format you are reading in, for Adventures of Nothing in Particular. Lets get back to comics.

That is about all that I have to contribute for now. :/ I'm catching up on Constantine, Arrow, and Flash. Not rushing to catch up on SHIELD. Maybe I can talk about those for a bit but mostly I'm just going to talk about Constantine. That is more than I needed to tell you for now. Thanks for reading. I guess I really did want to go back to blogging.

See you later space cowgirls.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

There will be a delay.

Sorry to have to do this but I am in the process of moving. There won't be much of the way of posts until I am settled in.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.

Rabbit Rabbit. Lets get some luck for the beginning of February.

One of my favorite teams to use from my Heroclix figures is Longshot and Dazzler. Dazzler gives her and Longshot a bonus to attack values while they are adjacent while Longshot has the amazing power to always deal a critical hit. Added to that is perplex from Dazzler on her second click and Probability control on Longshot's first two clicks. Both are capable of running shot and Dazzler can even subvert the use of stealth so that Longshot can get some excellent damage in. So after using them in about 15 different games of Heroclix I decided to get more of an idea what the two characters were all about in the Marvel universe.

Well Lucky me there was a Longshot comic that came out right about the same time as the Heroclix set the pieces came out in. Boy did I have somethings to learn about Longshot. Dazzler I knew from X-Men so I didn't feel so lost there. First thing I had to learn though was that Longshot was not a mutant. So off the the learning factory I went with Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.

And they are out of order with one missing. My photogenuis at work. 

Now I these comics didn't come with digital editions so please pardon the poor photography on my part.
This was an excellent read. I bought the first comic a few weeks before I bought the rest to see if I would like it. I loved it from just a few pages in. Lots of humor.

So the story starts off with Longshot getting a free haircut which serves as both a story element and an explanation for a change in character design. Excellent update if you ask me. Longshot explains his powers to us a bit, he explains that he is a genitally engineered  clone of his son and had a magic spell put on him giving him luck. If he pushes his luck to far things go wrong. Well after getting a free haircut he tries to do his eye glowing thingy that he does when he uses his luck power to get some free hot dogs. Well this blows a whole in a ladies apartment and basically destroys the universe from the resulting chaos.

Now Longshot is back to right after the haircut after meeting a god of luck after his head. So now he has to figure out what that fancy cube he was playing with was and how to make the universe right again. thankfully the resident magic expert steps in to help him out. With him he brings a lovely cast of characters to help out. Did I forget to mention that they are now on the Shield Hellicarrier? Well they are. And soon the Demon Lord of Balance catches them. Except it is just the order side. See when Longshot touched that powerful cube he done split it apart. So the demon of balance is now split into order and chaos. Now its up to Longshot and Deadpool and Dr. Strange to save the world. Oh wait, nope. They all work for the order guy now. Except Longshot. He is now hanging out with chaos as they crash the Hellicarrier.

That isn't even the good part yet. Now chaos, saddened that the Hellicarrier didn't kill anybody because
Longshot lucked his way out of that, summons a few threats from other dimensions and parts of time. This is just great. There is a lovely but powerful version of Magneto summoned to the plan and Carnage is possessing the Silver Surfer While Venom is on the Punisher. Vampire lord Wolverine also goes to fight alongside with Werewolf Captain America. Captain America from this timeline shows up out of nowhere to send his former Lycanthrope self back to the past fully aware that he was supposed to show up and do this. I liked this bit. It makes fun of how the Avengers don't even bat much of an eye at time travel anymore and eagerly await their chance to be a part of it.

In the end the two halves are put back together and the Balance Demon guy realizes that it wasn't Longshot he was after but the crazy cube that he split into two. I left out some bits on the story but that is for you to read yourself. Because I would rate this as a must read. The Trade Paper Back should be out some time this summer or something like that. Or pick it up from your local comic book store. There will be less glare on your copy. Go read it now. Or when you have the money. Or whatever. Or don't. I'm not your mom. But, if you do have a mom that forces you to read comic books. That is kind of cool. And if she is single you let me know. I'd make a great dad.

This ad though. It is a KOHL'S ad for some type of Spider-Man Jacket that they supposedly carry. Where is the gloves man? Do they not sell matching gloves? I'd buy those sooner than I would the whole jacket. And jeans? Are you trying to sell us your dorky jacket by proving that we would only look extra dorky in it? I bet they put a professional model in that damn jacket too. Some guy who got into the job on his looks. And they cover him up and some guy is sitting in the back of the office wondering why they couldn't have gotten anybody with two arms and both their hands to put on the outfit. Shit they were probably mostly wearing jeans that day to the office anyways. Well... I guess wearing jeans to the KOHL'S office probably doesn't happen that much. Why not put Spider-Man in khakis.

I would like to thank Marvel for not putting the AR symbol on the front of the comic. It had the same kind of ad that was in the Thunderbolts issues but didn't put AR on the front so that I would go searching every page looking for it.

Well that is all I have to say for Longshot. Check back later in the afternoon for a report on how/what I did at the Heroclix even.

300 points Modern Force construction. Playing for a Giant Man.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Justice League: War

Sorry about the lack of Saturday post. With the internet off on my phone I wasn't able to put the finishing bits on my Heroclix event and submit my post. However this upcoming event will feature the comic series that I reviewed as well. Longshot. So look for that Saturday. Even if I have to post without the event standings.

©DC Comics, Justice League: War
So yesterday I watched Justice League: War. I forgot that it was a remake of a Geoff Johns and Jim Lee story line from 2011 on the Justice League's origin. What came out of this was an excellent movie. The voice acting was a little off but that is only due to how many great animated films DC has put out in the past and us already having an idea of what they would sound like. Everyone is so used to Kevin Conroy as Batman that anybody else seems weird. I did warm up to Batman: Brave and the bold but never did to THE batman.

One of the things I loved about this is that it wasn't a for kids show. Not that I'm all about upping the maturity of everything but some stories can just be too violent. This is an age where older people are buying a lot of the higher grade toys such as the ones they could sell with this movie. You know what they care about most is if they can sell toys. This movie should sell plenty of toys. There was some more appropriate language for the situation and they still ripped Darksied's eyes out of his skull. I didn't even know that I had read this story line but most everything in the movie was exactly as I remember it. New 52 starts about a year into the popping up of all the Capes. Darksied was a total badass in this movie. Superman was kind of a dick and a bit out of character to me. Batman was classic Batman and Cyborg had a really well told origin. His suit does look a little weird compared to traditional Cyborg but then again that is his new 52 outfit. Uniform. Costume. Capes are weird people. Dressing all funny.
©DC Comics, Justice League: War

I'm happy to see that they are starting up a movie continuity and that they aren't shoving it down our throats that they are doing so. In fact they are still planning on releasing two more DC movies this year that are outside of the new 52 stories. One thing I would love to see is a Justice League Dark movie. Really a Constantine/Hellblazer movie but I'll take what I can get over here. Hopefully they will give me more nice movies to watch. I took forever getting around to watching the Flashpoint Paradox movie. Never read the series either. I have a bad habit of that. Always being uninterested in reading the big story arcs like that then complaining that I only like miniseries. Blah Blah Blah. I'm not a movie reviewer. So I'm just here to tell you that I liked the movie and expected nothing less from DC on this one.

So I was looking through some of the older blog posts and noticed a problem. Imgur. Imgur was cool for sharing pictures on Reddit. However I will henceforth no longer use it for the blog. If I have an image to post I will upload it to the blog itself. It saddens me to look back and see the empty spaces where images used to be. Even recently I have been making the mistake of linking picture from other places on the internet. You would think that this would be the kind of thing you would learn to stop doing back in like 2005. But no, I'm still doing it like I'm some kind of noob. Trying to think of other ways to improve things around here. I know the whole site could use some kind of redesign or something. I just don't know what to do with it. It isn't exactly my area of expertise. I like the width that it is at right now and want to keep that where it is so that older posts don't look weird. Some of them right now look weird. I'm not very good still with figuring out how to position pictures on my blog. Half the problem is that if I try and force them to go somewhere then the automatic editor will still go and move them on me. So goodbye to Imgur. Hello to trying to remember to credit each image appropriately and maybe even looking up the actual laws on fair use and what not. I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing and bank a lot of it on the fact that I'm not making revenue anyways.

Which is another topic that I wanted to discuss with you guys. I think I might put ads on the page. Hopefully it will work out well and we will get nice target ads. If it becomes a detriment to the experience I will take them back off. My current idea is to put ads on and if I ever make enough to cash it in I'll use the money directly to upgrade the blog. Priority one is hiring friends who are artists to slave away making images for me such as a header and what not. Top banner. Whatever you want to call that thing. I want to look better. I feel like it will attract more readers if I do it that way and maybe even another writer. I would like to have someone come in and write about DC comics for me since I don't read it heavily enough to have that much of an opinion.

Final leaving note, article http://peoplesworld.org/black-superheroes-forever-changed-comic-books/

Thank you all for taking the time to read my posts. Sorry about Tumblr posts.

What to expect this week:

Wednesday's pulls:
GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #11.NOW ANMN (Trial of Jean Grey pt2.)

Saturday Heroclix:
300pt modern for Giant Man. Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (for real this time)

Tuesday Filler: 
Comics from last week that I read after Wednesday.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Invaders freebie.

Who doesn't love freebies. Soundwave comics near me had a combo deal on all new marvel now comics. It came with this free lithograph. So I picked up Invaders #1, Avengers #25, Avengers World #2, X-factor #2. Just a quick update. See you tomorrow space cowboys. No paper cuts.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign

A while back I get one of those pop ups that you get on Steam advertising other games to you. I see Marvel characters on it and have mixed feelings already. I have enjoyed the Facebook games to an extent but not sure if I want to put up with more of the free to play format from them. But, alas I am a sucker for comic book stuff so I downloaded the game even though it doesn't have steam achievements or trading cards. Hopefully I would find enough entertainment in it.

So first thing I notice is that I am playing Puzzle Quest. You would think I would notice this but sometimes I'm a bit thick. If you have played Puzzle Quest before you know it is a story based game where you fight your opponents in a bejeweled style game where you match gems to collect them and use the gems to power up your abilities. This game is all that with a Marvel wrapping paper on everything. If you are familiar with the way they do stories in Marvel's Facebook games then you will be quite familiar with the stories in this. It uses the same ISO-8 story arc that they other FTP games have been using. Your characters heal over time and you earn rewards for each match that you can use to obtain new characters, or covers.

Each cover unlocks a character and if you already have that character then you get a power up for one of that characters powers. Each character has a rarity shown with the amount of stars above its cover and the more levels you have in your abilities the more you can level your character. You level your character using the ISO-8 that you have collected from battles and daily log-ins. As your character levels you'll do more damage and get more abilities. Characters can also be bought with the games in came currency. You can buy it with real monies or try and earn it from winning battles. Slots must also be purchased to hold all of your characters.

The standard amount of Marvel collecting addiction has been applied to this game leaving you coming back after your heroes have healed to fight more baddies. With most members of your roster you can find different versions such as modern, classic, Marvel NOW! Need room for a cover? You can just sell old covers that you aren't gong to use anymore. For me I sold that storm as soon as I could. I just didn't feel like using it. The Hawkeye they start you off with however I have leveled up quite a bit.

So how did I feel about Dark Reign? Meh. It is definitely a good time waster. My heroes take too much damage as poorly as I play so I don't end up playing for long. It is another addition to my list of games that I log into to do dailies. At least this one I feel like I am getting somewhere. I log into Solforge daily and all I get is more cards that I still do nothing with but dailies. I will keep playing for some time to come I'm sure but the game really did one good thing for me. I went and bought Puzzle Quest. This game is great if you don't have a copy of any of the versions of Puzzle Quest. It is everything that is good about Puzzle Quest with the added on annoyance that you would expect from energy timers and the like on Facebook games. So if you can't afford a copy of puzzle quest or are really in to comics I would suggest it. If you aren't into comics but just want to play a puzzle game I would say that you should pass on this one and pick up Puzzle Quest: Galatrix.

One more thing I want to talk about before I go is Marvel AR and Black Widow. First off I loved Black Widow. If you liked Hawkeye there is a good chance you will like Black Widow. The art is excellent and the story is what you would expect. It takes a lot of ques from its other Avenger's solo comic but it doesn't seem to detract from this book. I'm looking forward to more and sad that I didn't pick up the variant cover. I hadn't been paying much attention to the AR stuff in the comics that I have been reading recently. Mostly because I have been reading them on my phone or on the computer already and didn't have time to scan the AR code in the actual book. However after enjoying this book as much as I did I wanted more and the AR was the way for me to obtain that. However after nearly 20 mins of trying different lighting solutions and different internet connections even I got now where. I just couldn't get the AR to work for me. So I was a sad panda about that I hope that this isn't something that is going to happen a lot with these books now that I am reading All New Marvel Now. At least now I can appreciate that the AR wasn't just an ad in the back of the magazine.

So that is about it for this week. Because weeks as far as this blog is concerned start on Wednesdays. Thank you for keeping up. I swear there used to be a way to hashtag my blog posts to get people coming here to read the things the wanted to read. I think they do it now as actual word by word on the post but I'm not sure. If anybody knows how that works now let me know in the comments. If you don't comment I'll be sad again. And you will know that it was all your fault. I loved you and this is what I get from you. I'll keep on loving and you'll just take and take until there is nothing left of me. Take some of my fat with you while you are at it. Also if you can take stretch marks take that with you as I will look silly as a skinny man with stretch marks. Like I got pregnant or something. Anyways lets get onto what is up for the comic week.

Wednesday I'm going to pick up (or put in my box):

Batwoman #27 (Scribblenauts Unmasked Variant Cover) if I can find one. If not i'll pick up a different version.
^Harley Quinn #2
^Scribblenauts Unmasked A Crisis Of Imagination #1
Trinity Of Sin Pandora #7 so that I can get my Constantine fix
^All-New X-Factor #2 
All-New X-Men #22.NOW 
*Avengers #25 
*Black Widow #2
Hawkeye #16
Origin II #2 (Of 5)
*Avengers World #2
*Invaders #1

Now the problem here is that that is easily $40 worth of comic books and I have maybe $15 I can spend until payday. I will be picking up the asterisk comics on Wednesday for sure and ^ comics after payday. everything else is going to have to wait for additional funds.

Saturday Heroclix
On Saturday I'll have finished reading Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe and I'll give you my take on it. I expect to enjoy this one.

Tuesday Filler
Nothing in particular is planned for Tuesday so whatever comes up will be what comes up. Most likely I'll do some more talking about

PS. I added the ability to tip me with bitcoin/dogecoin/litecoin/feathercoin so that is an option. Any size tip is awesome. I honestly feel cool just having my 5 dogecoin so far.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

WXM 042 Fantomex MAX

Around the Time Wolverine and the X-men, or WXM came out for Heroclix is when I really started to pick up the game a lot. I had played in a few events and was really getting into it. So it doesn't surprised me that My first batch of favorite pieces are from there. Fantomex was one of those pieces that was pretty heavy on power. He can make an E.V.A. token that can go anywhere on the board. Most of the people I played with didn't really know much about Fantomex either it seemed. Then a short while later a mini series started under the MAX label. So I bought them.

First off, who is Fantomex? Fantomex doesn't know who he really is. He is an expert thief and a Frenchmen. Well he claims to be French but really the virtual world he was raised in is based in Britain. He is a super sentinel created by Weapon Plus. Shout out to Google plus. He was born like a person but is totally full of nano machines and does shit like turn his hand into an acetylene torch. The most uncanny ability of his is his external nervous system called E.V.A. Eva is another personality of his which is directly connected to him. She exists outside of his body while possessing machines and has and empathetic connection to him. When he feels pain she feels it too. Basically the rest of his powers consist of being an expert agent and thief.

So what did they do in Fantomex MAX? The story covered Fantomex following a government agent that he is in love with down to the bottom of the Mariana trench. Down there is a secret building of untold purpose. Whilst down there he finds out it was a set up for them to get the master thief to help them activate a machine that operates from down there. I'll tell you in a minute what that machine does. He gets the keys of course, EVA learns some more about herself and the world is saved. Yet again without the rest of the world really knowing it was in any kind of danger.

So was this book MAX? Well while Fantomex and his crew of characters definitely seem like they fit a MAX setting. MAX line of books are for adult and explicit content if you are unaware. Unfortunately they only seemed to use it for crude jokes and dropping F-Bombs. I feel the art was a bit off at times too. Being my first experience with Fantomex I wasn't sure what to expect. Andrew Hope and Shawn Crystal aren't exactly going on my list of artists to follow.

So here is my gripe. If you read avengers 24.now then you know what the premise was. Someone hurled a planet at our planet. In the Fantomex MAX series they hurl a planet at Earth. Really. It is completely unrelated in any way and will never be mentioned by the Avengers. They still haven't revealed who threw a planet at earth but after reading last weeks comics I'm getting a feeling it had something to do with Loki. However I think it would have been just fine for it to have been the planet in Fantomex. It is just weird and unfortunate that the stories would work out like that without them being tied together. I was going to make a comment about bringing Fantomex to more of the spotlight but apparently he was on X-Force for years and I didn't know it.

Another cool part for me happened in book three. There is a scene where the guy with the mind powers is inside Fantomex's super sentinel mind. He plays scenes from Fantomex's childhood in The World I guess. The lines were in untranslated French and German. The French I could mostly make out with only being wrong a little bit but the German I had no idea. Thankfully I am a child of technology and whipped out my phone so that I could use Google Goggles to read the text for me and translate it into English. This process worked out better than I even expected. I had used Goggles to look up Magic: The Gathering cards before but this was a whole new level of usefulness.

So yeah. I'm glad to know where Fantomex is coming from now when I play his piece. Thank you guys and girls for reading. I'm honored to share some time with your eyeballs. Remember, no paper cuts.

P.S. There was no Heroclix event this week. Hence no post about it. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thunderbolts 20 point Now, Constantine 10

Not much on the list this week. Reading more back issues than current around now. Even the Superior Spider-Man that I picked up I won't be reading till i'm caught up.
Thunderbolts. A group started by General, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, AKA Red Hulk. A group of loners have banded together to help each other complete their individual goals. The team had just finished up a mission with the Punisher at the helm. They completed his goal of taking down random mafia men guys things. However, they unleashed the murderous murder spree of Mercy, a shape-shifting teleporter that has been helping people kill them selves.  So now they team needs to take down Mercy at the strongest point in her life. And they aren't sure how to stop here. That is some of them aren't sure. Others have worked with a guy before that is perfect for the job. Ghost, mother fucking, rider. In the first part of his introduction they make a joke about the Ghost Rider movies. That at sloppy camera man with giant calves. 

I took a look at some of the Thunderbolts books that came before this one after reading the annual issue. I wanted to get into it because of Heroclix. I like the art in this new issue much better than before. Look forward to reading more of Thunderbolts and having more to say about it.

Constantine number ten. The only comic I had been keeping up with for a while. Thankfully I read Phantom Stranger last week so I'm not lost this time. I'm still a bit sad that all of Constantine's comics have been tie ins but at the same time I'm starting to like it more that I have bought some of the tie ins and followed it through. So last week the Phantom Stranger kidnapped the Justice League Dark and took them all to the borders of Heaven itself. This is where Constantine picks up and where we finally get to see something that feels a bit more Hellblazer than what we have been seeing before. 
Basically what goes down, is Constantine stares gods in the face and goes, nah, you guys bore me, I bet I could capture you like mother fucking Pokemon. Because its just that simple for John. After a brief discussion with Scottish Terrier God he bails and captures an angel. 

I felt like Constantine is going in a better direction this week than it was before and hope it continues that way as I continue to pick up whatever comic they have next in the Blight series. 

Superior Spider-Man. You have no idea the restraint I am using to not read the one I have. I'll be lost though and I hate that. I want to catch up before I read it. I hear its good. So maybe it will be good. But I do know somethings about comics that I didn't read. I know Daredevil is about to get a new number one. Well in the mean time {spoiler} Matt Murdock got on the stand and admitted to being Daredevil. It was a neat scene. Eager to see what this does for the character even though everybody already knew and he just wasn't admitting it. 

Thunderbolts had two big issues with it for me. If you read my Tuesday Filler blog then you already know I have mixed feelings about ads. Well this took the cake. First off there was an AR logo on the front cover even though the only thing in the whole book that was AR was an ad on the last page. This is a quite misleading. I did finally get AR to work for once but sheeeeet. I was expecting some behind the scenes sketches or something at least. Not some boring whats up news thing. Secondly was the worst part. I wasn't too upset about the AR thing. More bummed. But this was a doozy.

What the flipping flip. In case it is hard to make out that is one 4 page, fold out, ad t'words the front of the book and one 5 page, fold out, ad t'words the back. Gesshhhbbbfhhheh. What the hell man. I get that you want us to read other ANMN series but damn. Don't drive the point in this damn hard. I'm already buying them. Shit they finally got me buying marvel comics for the first time in a long time.

Deadpool: The Gauntlet turned out to be a free comic book this week so head on down to your local comic book store and pick up your copy. It comes with a free digital edition. The digital edition is even an Infinity comic designed for online reading. I'm only halfway through the book so far but seems good so far. It's great Deadpool. He does his own theme music. The theme music scene is way better in the infinity version online. It also contains a sexy princess. Hopefully I can rig up that theme music scene later as a gif.

Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for reading. I appreciate you. I hope you have a great end to the work week. We may not have a real Hope Corgi but at least we got Scottish Terrier God. I guess that counts for something.

Remember, no paper-cuts. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Add Another Ad.

I know there is ads in comics. I know that it is a part of how they do their things. Especially cross promotion
ads. Pokemon is one of the best the best at each product cross promoting the other product. So it stands that you will see ads for other comics in your comics. One thing I rarely see though is double paged ads. maybe sometimes in the back of the book. Not usually in the middle not usually.

 So The panel above is from Savage Wolverine #24. The last sentence on the page ends with an ellipses (...). So you are waiting now to read the rest of what he is saying. And then...

That is something like what it felt like turning the page then having to turn it again. I would like to think that readers have a longer attention span then that, but what if they actually stopped to read the ad? That wasn't the ad but I liked it better.

It wasn't in Savage Wolverine. It was in each comic book. There was about 4 or 5 pages of the book in each one dedicated to advertising All New Marvel Now. Which is good for them. But, Damn! It was a little crazy. So much red. Fuck it, I'll make my site red. Which means no more dynamic view. Sorry phone users.

Point two here on this post is me talking about the blog usually. I have been wanting to update the page for a while now. The dynamic view is cool and everything but sometimes I feel like the page takes way to long to load because of it and it doesn't give me as much control. So I'm going to try out a new layout. They layout it self might change a few times but I'm going to go with red at least for a while. Expect updates again sometime in February.

So in case you weren't aware yet, I do this blog for my own health. It is a mental exercise and an excuse to keep typing things up hoping to keep my WPM up so I can get a cool office job one day. I am trying to work on my grammar and spelling but for a college educated person I still have a lot of work to do before I
Yes I added a random picture just to add a picture.
can act like I am any kind of professional writer. I don't write this blog to sell comic books. This is part of why I don't have a constantly updating list of whats coming out. I'm more focused on what I have read and what I might be able to add to the discussion. I might eventually add ads to my page but for now that is not going to happen. I think ads take away from the experience sometimes when the page with the ads on it doesn't need the revenue. Currently I don't need the revenue. It isn't that I don't need money but I don't expect this to be quality enough to bring some in.

At one point there was a donate button from PayPal on the side of the page. I would put that back up on the side but me and PayPal aren't on speaking terms without collection agencies being involved. If I ever clear up the whole $14 I owe them then I might add it back. If you guys know of another way to accept donations that isn't PayPal let me know. I almost added another writer to the blog but I don't feel structured enough to do anything like that. Nor do I have readership like that.

Another thing I like to do is use pictures. I don't know what is the right ratio of pictures to use and sometime look at a post and think I haven't done it all that well. I am working on it. I'm also definitely working on not saying definitely so much. I just like breaking up walls of text so they seem more approachable.

Had a news post yesterday on Monday that I will do sometimes when I hear a story that I have an opinion about to share. Monday was a good day for comic movie/show news. Especially good to hear more about something I'm excited about, Constantine. NBC ordered a pilot for Constantine which we suspected for a while would be coming. On top of that the CW is casting for their Smallville esque new show titled "Gotham"  It is going to follow a young Bruce Wayne from his parents death until he puts on the Cowl.

So that is it for this week. Be sure to tune in Thursday so I can tell you about what I read this week and tune in on Tuesdays to see what I am going to pick up that week. Thank you, as usual, for reading. Leave comments down below if you have something to share. I'm not sure where the follow button will be but hit the follow button when you read this because of redesigns but feel free to hit me up on Google +victor getman to follow. Have a great week.

This Saturday: There isn't a Heroclix event so I'll talk about Fantomex mini series.
Next Saturday: I'll talk about the Longshot Miniseries.
Tuesday: Black Widow, Marvel Free to play game on Steam, Amazing Spider-Man

Comics I'm picking up this week.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Marvel casts and old dude as a superhero

Micheal Douglas has just been cast as Ant Man. 
There has been too few older super heroes lately
In the live action universe. I Don't want everybody to
be old but I don't want everybody to just get younger
and younger. I'm glad to see a more matured actor
cast for the part of Hank Pym. 
Credit: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP

© Marvel Comics Exiles Vol.1 Issue 20

As you can see from this one panel in one comic book it would seem like he looks the part. I see he already grew a new beard. I'm looking forward to see how he plays Ant Man. Stop reading here, just go read the Marvel Article. I just wanted to put in my two cents.


Just a quick update. Return tormorrow for spell checking and my Tuesday Rambling.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Battle Against the Serpent.

Perhaps I spread myself too thin thinking I would talk about comics three days a week. I will try to make a post about what I have done in Heroclix every Saturday, but I won't guarantee that I'll talk about a comic each time. Sorry to disappoint.

Today we fought the worthy.
All of them plus the serpent.

"Cooperative Scenario vs The Worthy
Format: 500 Silver Age, No Feats, Battlefield Conditions, Relics, or Resources.
Prizes: IIM102 Bethany Cabe - 1 awarded to most damage to The Worthy and 1 awarded to most damage to The Serpent. Participation prizes will be given out as well. To be eligible for one of the Bethany Cabe, your team must be Marvel only and accompanied by a good explanation of why those characters are together fighting The Worthy."

My team was a mighty theme team from the fear itself pieces.

Iron Man
Red She-Hulk
Doctor Strange

The fight started off right away in a showdown with my team and Mokk. He charged in and made it so that my team couldn't take an action on their second turns. Thankfully his devastating attack on Iron Man was completely reduced by Doctor Strange's magic staff and Iron Man's uru metal armor. Mokk then took out a few clicks of damage on some figs but Spider-Man was hearing none of it. He ran in and finished the fight Superior Spider-Man style.

Player across from me made quick work of the remaining two Worthy on our side of the maps. I would like to take a second to point out that I was the only one to run a Mighty team btw. Also Spider-Man broke off of his base so he was taped down for this match. Then we chased down the rest of the mighty and cornered the Serpent (human form) on a ledge while we attacked from the branches of Yggdrasil, The World Tree.

A few more turns in and the Serpent had been fully summoned. The ground is torn asunder into hindering terrain. He strikes with a great force, and Wolverine deals penetrating poison to him every turn while my team Alpha Strikes him. I would like to take credit for being the only guy melee attacking the serpent. Well me and one other guy. Thanos really did all the massive damage to the Serpent after some other game effects.

I didn't win anything but we did defeat the dragon. Fear did not win today. Spider-Man did end up going to his revert form but didn't get around to dying so that was nice.

You can't really tell it but all of my team is standing behind the Serpent. You can actually see Iron man above his left wing. Spider-Man and Wolverine are quite hidden behind him though. Red She-Hulk is completely hidden. That sentinel would have trouble hiding anywhere and Thanos was already picked up before I took the shot. Some of them offered to set back up but I wanted a picture of the shot while it was in action. Or as it was at least. Something like that.

I was a little sad that we didn't sit down at the beginning and explain why our teams were here to fight the serpent. I was half ready to explain it all myself based on my team actually being there. My Tony Stark went to a different universe, because him and Reed Richards just do that a lot, and picked up a few other Iron men and a different Kurth. Then he went and reprogrammed a horde of Sentinels to target the worthy instead of mutants. After that he called up Thanos and told him that some Asgardian gods were getting out of line and it would probs be totes fun to come beat them up. Then Red She-Hulk asked the other Red Hulk, likely with secret red hulk only telepathy, to send over some thunderbolts and so SwampMan-Thing showed up with some friends after a short walk in the nexus. Well Kurth came with them. Something like that.

Well thank you guys for reading. Check back in with me on Tuesday where things will be as Scheduled. Sorry this post wasn't up to the low par that I have set. I need to find a way to take better pictures for Heroclix night. Also for comics that I bought that weren't digital. I did get a Man-Thing and Howard The Duck off of a guy there along with an Ancient One. So that was cool. You guys have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Now Point One

First off sorry the post is later than I said it would be. Returning to work, 4 am job, kicked my sleepy butt harder than I expected. I'll adjust expectations to Thursday evenings from now on. It doesn't help that I spent all of Wednesday playing Marvel's Legendary instead of reading everything and writing down my thoughts. Then when I got home I ended up playing Minecraft since we set up a new server. Alas, I did get some comics read. Haven't gotten to DC stuff, Black Widow, or X-Factor yet. Not the order I read them in but we should definitely start off with All New Marvel Now Point One.

I don't know what I was expecting when I cracked open Point One. My worst fear was that I would have paid $6.00 for a book of previews. My best hopes was that chief creative officer Joe Quesada would have guided a few artists and a few writers into a story that neatly flows into one another setting up the first major story arc of ANMN. I don't know if that is what Joe really does or anything but they mentioned him in the back and I got what I asked for. Six stories all tied together by one man. Loki Laufeyson.

...Loki, Agent of Asgard, © Marvel, ANMN Point One
In short, Loki is collecting the 5 keys to a chest that was left to Thor by his parents for the day that he ascends to ruler of Asgard. Each runed key was obtained from one of the stories. Loki gets all the keys in the end of course and gets Gram from the box. Sword belonging to Sigurd.

© Marvel Comics, ANMN Point One

There was a second story set up in this issue. Probably part of the same series just less directly connected so far. The Kree empire seeks an object of great power that appeared on earth during the second world war. This object was then split up into three pieces and hid in various places around the Earth. Three heroes were the only ones to know the location of the pieces.

Now, the only place in Point One that I truly felt lost was right there in the top panel on the right. You can click the picture to make it bigger usually on my blog. Who the crap is Jim Hammond? Now of course I Googled it because I provided you with the link and everything. Well it turns out that he goes all the way back to Timely Comics, what Marvel was born from. Interestingly enough Bucky, Namor, and Jim Hammond are all some of the biggest names to carry on from Timely Comics and they just so happen to be the ones trusted with guarding this ancient artifact. So I give Point One a .8/.10 My score is definitely helped out by getting the book free from the local comic book shop.

© Marvel
Savage Wolverine 14
Now on to Savage Wolverine.  Avengers World should probably be next but I'm reserving that review for Saturday with Fantomex. This comic is from Richard Isanove, a French Writer/Artist specializing in the noir. First off I love when the same person is doing the art and the story. I feel like less is lost in translation. I'm trying to pay more attention to who writes stories and who does art so that I can better recognize books that I want to read based on them. According to Wikipedia this is his only book he wrote for and so far I'm liking what I read. I love the minimal use of lines and they way he conveyed attitude in this book.

I wasn't too sure about picking up Savage Wolverine at first. I feel like there is a bit too much Wolverine saturation. They even joked in Avengers about how he is on too many teams. I'm still not positive what it was that made me pick it up. I'm glad I did though. At the moment they are keeping him out of the super hero setting. That may be what the whole Savage Wolverine series is but I haven't been inclined to pick on up until now. I love watching Wolverine do something less grandiose. Besides surviving gunshots the the face of course. I'm already hooked on the story.

© Marvel, Savage Wolverine 14.Now
 I don't like picking up comics in the middle of their runs and feeling like I missed something. This is why I am excited about the ANMN so much. Beforehand there wasn't really any Marvel comics that I was picking up at the store. I was wanting to keep up with Superior Spider-Man but didn't like that I wasn't starting from the beginning. Now I have a chance to start a few off from a good jumping on point. I think Superior Spider-Man is even supposed to have a jumping on point here with the Green Goblin taking over the city. Maybe it isn't but shit. I'm jumping in there anyways.

Well that is about it for me today. Avengers World and Fantomex coming Saturday. I'll talk a little about the other comics on Tuesday unless I read them and decide to talk a lot about them. Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

All New Avengers Now

http://comicstore.marvel.com/Avengers-Vol-5-24-NOW/digital-comic/32476As you may have noticed Marvel is starting this year off with their All New Marvel Now. They are restarting some series with new jumping on points. With this comes the end of some series and the beginnings of all new ones. See what I did there. Last December (2013) they started us off with Avengers Volume 5 24/ Volume 6 #1. At least I think it counts as volume 6. I haven't quite figured that out yet. Maybe this isn't the start yet and its just Rogue Planet #1. Never the less I picked this up last week, on Sunday as I now keep a journal of what I pick up. Monday night right around midnight I got the urge to read it.

Thankfully this comic came with a digital edition that I had already claimed on Marvels website. Surprisingly it came with a little something extra. Marvel is including an instant collection with many of their .Now titles.  For free I got a collection of some of the first 6 Avengers books in Marvel Now. It also came with a copy of the Wolverine online comic of course.

So down I laid in my bed to read comics on my phone. This is actually the first full, non promotional, comic that I have read on my phone using the guided reading option. I would have to say that it was definitely a good read. A fun read. It started off very lightheartedly with everybody partying. I always love seeing superheroes acting more like regular people. Probably has something to do with why I enjoy super heroes that are, somewhat, regular people. This is why I freaking love Hawkeye, but everybody loves Hawkeye.

It seemed good enough as a comic reader for a starting point. I feel like I wouldn't be too lost coming into this. Given that I haven't kept up with things that weren't Constantine I guess I was in position to be lost. It referenced events that I had read back in the Spring and things that I must have missed but none of it seemed like it was too far over my head. I was well aware of the bits with the Illuminati but they caught me up in a few panels anyways. This issue is definitely the set up for more than just the Rogue Planet arc that it is the first of. Maybe after I read the first few comics over I'll have even more of a grasp of what is going on. As long as I don't have to read any more Secret Avengers again. The healing bullets was a terrible story.

Alright. On to some blog stuff. I think its time for a reintroduction and a clarification of intentions. I literally do this blog for my own health. I'm trying to use my mind so I can keep it "sharp". I, for now, do not monetize the blog. If I do put advertising on the page it will not be text link advertising. I enjoy adding links to my blog so that you can get a better idea of what I am talking about from time to time. I'm trying to get better at writing, however I won't let it become a stressful endeavor. Sometimes I will just write a blog like I was drunk if I don't have the time to devote the metal attention it needs. I love to hear feedback from you guys especially if it is just to grammatically correct me. I will do a lot of sharing my personal experiences that involve comic books. I won't necessarily be critiquing comic books on my page. I don't have the koalafications to do that. I will constantly try out new things. Most of them won't work out well.

This is my hat.
I'm going to try to standardize my posts like I did before with a new addition.

On Tuesdays I'm going to have Filler Tuesdays. These will be used mostly to ramble about something that is somewhat comic book related or to talk about back issues that I have just gotten around to reading. This is the day that I will likely do the most talking about what is going on around the blog and with my life in general. Get ready to hear stuff about bikes and my job.

One Thursdays I will have the weekly review. Wednesday I'll pick up my comics and read them and by Thursday morning/afternoon I should have it posted up. Rainy days can easily put delays in this post as I primarily ride a bicycle. I'll admit that I just misspelled bicycle. I am ashamed. You just don't know that I fixed it. Well now you do. You also don't know that this is the second draft of this post. The fist write up was not very good.

On Saturdays I'm going to have my Heroclix Saturday posts. I might just post about what I have been up to in Heroclix or I will likely talk about how Heroclix has gotten me into this comic book or that one. Sometimes I'll just take the time to reiterate marvle.wikia at you about a particular character. Saturday posts are not guaranteed as writing 3/4 blogs a week might be a bit beyond my talents.

Other than that I might write up random posts and post them but likely I'll save them to fill in a slot when I'm behind on writing something for a post. Also I might share my list of comics that I purchased along with where and when since I'm keeping a record of it now. Might turn out to be a page of its own. By now you should have noticed my hat on the side. I like blogs that are filled with pictures. So hat. Got that shiznit for a dolla at the thrift store. Pff. What you know about rocking a wolverine on your noggin Macklemore?

So whats coming up next on Comics In Particular?

Next week you can look forward to me talking about the Marvel: Puzzle Quest game on steam. I'll have had a week to play it and then I can ramble on about that. Also a new Constantine will come out along with some more ANMN.

This week? Well basically nothing from DC. This just isn't a week I want to read anything on the list. Marvel has a few ANMN comcis that will be beginning that I'll be picking up. Links with pics below. Please forgive me that I am still bad at arranging pictures on the blog. Fantomex I'll save for a post on the mini series as a whole. So basically expect more talking about .Now. Hopefully I'll also be picking up the rest of the Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe books if they came in. Got some Harley Quinn books to write about soon too so DC has its time coming. On Saturday we will face the Serpent at my local Comic shop. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Thunderbolts, Digital Comcis, Heroclix.

In Heroclix figures have keywords. Sometimes if the guys on your team share a keyword fun things can happen. Some times you get a bonus to rolling for first or even the whole team getting extra uses of an ability. Sometimes you get a team ability that you can assign to people with certain keywords. One that I like to use is the thunderbolts keyword. As per the usual I have no idea who the Thunderbolts were. I knew that Red Hulk had something to do with it and figured he might have something to do with the team name. Aside from that I had no idea what was going on here as far as who the Thunderbolts were and what they stood for.

In an attempt to learn this I picked up Thunderbolts Annual #1. I figured it would be a nice starting point. I heard something about Ghost Rider joining the team soon with the start of Marvel Now or whatever is going on this year. So I picked it up from my local comic shop and managed to read it within 24 hours of purchasing it. For some reason I never am in the mood to buy comics and read comics in the same day.

I found a panel in this issue that I believe sets the tone of who the Thunderbolts were from what I read.

Yes. That is Dr. Strange saying, "come at me, bros". The book tries to be corny. Deadpool is in it. I don't know what else I could have expected. I'm not sure how I felt about it. Maybe if it was a bit funnier I would have liked it more. Otherwise this book didn't really interest me much. The story was kind of interesting but I'm not sure how long a, lul wat, kind of story telling can hold my attention. I think Silliness is kind of one of the goals in this comic. Or maybe it was just the annual that I read.

On top of this this was the first digital comic that I have claimed on the website. I like the way they did it. Nice and simple. The best part was getting a free comic to go along with it. They have these things called infinite comics. They are web optimized comics that you buy. I guess. It gave me a free one of  Wolverine in Japan. I liked it. Want to read the rest. Probably going to have to buy them. Thanks for making me want to read a Wolverine book again Marvel. Besides the fact that I just picked up the Deadpool cover for Origins 2 when it came out.

Time to get ramble-y. I have decided to have a new thing called Heroclix Saturday where I talk about either Heroclix directly or comics that I am reading because of Heroclix. So There shall be that. Likely I shall talk about both. Like how I am now going to talk about (or edit in later if you are reading early) what happened at this weekends Heroclix event.

Saturday 3-1-14: 350 point modern. You get to choose a figure from your opponents force to remove from their force before the game. Relics are allowed but no resources.

My team:

AVX013e Magik 75
WXM047a Jubilee 56
WXM009 Longshot 75
IIM002 Rescue 65
IH035 Wolverine
The Bat Signal (not pictured)

First Opponent: Daniel

Big Barda
The Question
Dark Phoenix

I removed Big Barda afraid I wouldn't have time to go through Barda's Dial with the strikers I had. What happened in the end though was I didn't read that the question made my use of perplex a power action. One by one he disassembled my team and I hardly got any damage done.

Daniel Removed Magik from my team and the victory was his with no losses on his side of the field.

Second Opponent: Jordan

ASM Frank Drake
FI Monkey King
ASM Spider-Girl
WXM Longshot
FI Sin

I removed Longshot from his team knowing what Longshot is capable of with his hits always being crits. He also removed Magik from my force. Much more of a game was afoot in this match. My Longshot worked his way to the middle of the field first turn as Frank Drake stepped into the shadows of Jordan's heavy object using Stealth to keep me from hitting him. Rescue however was having none of it and threw the dumpster aside so Longshot could get some quick near death damage in. Things went down hill from there for Longshot as he was ganged up on by the rest of Jordan's force and put to pasture. Rescue was pulled away from the tragic scene by Jubilee using the bat signal. Jordan slowly followed me into the large room that my team had retreated to. He made good use of his two stealth characters and made it so Wolverine and Jubilee didn't have much of a chance to be near each other for their bonuses. Rescue had to resort to throwing the Bat Signal at a pursuing Tigra. The result literally snapped her in half at the waist causing her to also lose an arm. Hopefully he won't have much trouble repairing his fig. Not sure what happened but I didn't actually throw the Bat Signal at it.

The match drew near and end. Wolverine was down. Rescue was trying to figure out what to do with herself having run out of objects to use telekinesis on and time in the round coming soon. Jubilee was left with no targets as Spider-Girl pushed herself into her KO click and Sin hid in the shadows with stealth.\

After only two round we only had one person that was undefeated and decided to call the competition there since there was a small turn out on this somewhat cold day. The winning team played 4 Molemen, 3 Vampires, and Jubilee Prime at 33 points of vampire-y goodness. Lots of mind control was had. Absorbing man LE was the prize for this event. I got the Batcowl and the Handcuffs as consolations prizes and still went home with a map. I had fun at the event. It was great to spend the week building a team. Started off trying to use pieces that I had about to make a team with 3 Monkey Kings and some Thunderbolts. I see where I could make some improvements with my team idea. Mostly I loved that it was a learning experience. Got some more input on Telekinesis as I tried to throw the Bat Signal and wasn't sure if I was in my own way to throw it. I wasn't. All in all fun day. Still want a chance to really get to use my Phoenix Force. Maybe I can get some casual games in for the week.

Thank you for reading guys. Especially if you came back for the update as I took a while getting home to update the post after the auto post. Have a great weekend.